Make Up Pt.2

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Y/O/F/N - your other friends name
Y/B/F/N - your best friends name

Ashton just left you. He was actually gone. All the words you passed to each other in your previous argument makes you fall to the ground and you start to cry once again. You didn't want to tell anyone that Ashton and you had broken up, so you kept to yourself all day. You ignored anyone who called you. You just put on your music and layed on the bed that you and Ashton once shared hours before. You stopped crying only because you had no more tears to cry. As you lay on the bed, the song She Was The One by The Vamps begins to play, and you hear the door downstairs open. You just ignore it and close your eyes. Nothing really maytered to you anymore. You felt numb. You didn't really feel anything really. The stairs started to creek, but you still didn't move at all. "Y/N?" You hear a voice from the door. It was a familiar voice, but not Ashton's. "Y/N, Ashton told me what happened. The boys and I tried to call you, but you didn't answer so we all came over. They're all downstairs." The voice says and you look over to see Luke standing in the doorway. "I just wanted to be alone. I didn't feel like talking alone. I just wanted to listen to music and be alone." You say and look back up at the ceiling and close your eyes. The room goes silent, but you just ignore it until you feel the bed dip a couple minutes later. You open up your eyes to find Ashton next to you. You don't move, just lay there and stare into his eyes. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'm sorry for all the words I said and I'm sorry that I was stupid and walked away instead of staying and trying to fix everything. Will you forgive me and be mine again?" He asks and you begin to cry as he pulls you into a hug. "I forgive you Ash. Thanks for coming back." You say and you just lay there together. Not letting go.

"Y/N, you never told me what happened. Why are you leaving? I thought yoy and Calum were happy together?" She says and you start to cry. "He cheated on me. I got a picture from
Y/O/F/N and the picture was Calum kissing another girl. So I started to pack all my bags and called you to come pick me up. I didn't want to stat there any longer. He cheated on me and all I did was care for him." You say and begin to cry. "Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry. Let's go to my house. We can do anything you want." She says and starts to head towards her home.
Once we pull into her parking lot a car parks on the other half of her drive way. I get out of the car and look at the car next to me. It was Calum's car. I take in a breathe and try my best not to cry. He gets out of his car and pulls me into a hug. He holds in tight so I can't escape. "Calum... Let go." I say, but he doesn't budge.
"Y/N, I didn't cheat on you. I would never hurt you. Let me see the picture." He says and lets you go as you pull your phone out of your pocket and hand it to him. The picture in clear view. "This isn't me. Look, this person doesn't have the tattoo I have on my arm." He says and points to what he means and you begin to cry. "I'm sorry Calum. I should've paid more attention tk the picture. I'm so sorry, can you forgive me?" You ask through your tearsand he pulls you into a hug. "Always. I'll always forgive you. I love you too much to ever let you go." He says and you both smile. Glad that you two were still toger. Nothing in this world coukd tear you apart.
You continue driving until you reach your friend's house. Pulling into her drive way, you park the car and get out. You walk up to the doorway and knock on the door. In a couple seconds, the door swings open. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" She asks and you start to cry. "Luke and I broke up. He was cheating on me." You say and she pulls you into a hug. "I'm so sorry Y/N. Come in. We can eat some ice cream and watch some movies if you'd like?" She asks and you knod your head.
After you both are comfortable on the couch, with your ice cream in your laps, and the movie playing in front of you, you start to smile. You were glad to have such an amazing best friend. You were a couple minutes into the when the doorbell rings. You turn towards
Y/B/F/N to find her facing you. "I'll get it." You say and get up and start walking towards the doorway. When you open the door, the person who is standing there shocks you. "Luke, what are you doing here? I thought I made it clear that I never wanted to see you again." You say and notice how bloodshot Luke's eyes were. "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry that I hurt you and I know I'm asking for a lot, but can you please forgive me?" He asks and you start to cry. "Promise me that you'll never do it again." You say and pull him into a hug. "I promise I'll never hurt you again and I am sorry that I did. I love you so much." He says and you look up at him. "I love you more." You say and smile. "I love you most." He says and pulls you into a kiss. You stay there for a while. Enjoyin the fact that you didn't loose Luke. You still had him and he still had you. You loved each other nore than anything to let something stupid tear you apart.

You continued to cry even after Michael had left. You stopped crying, only because you had no tears left to cry. You reached for your phone to call your best friend,
Y/B/F/N, to tell her what had happened.
"What! Okay, I'll be there in a minute. I just need to make a couple stops first." She says and you answer back before you hang up the phone. You couldn't take the fact that Michael was gone. He left you. There was nothing to live for anymore. You were thinking of taking your life. You knew that Y/B/F/N would be here soon, so you had to make a decision fast. You decided to go through with your plan and walked downstairs to the cupboard that you kept the medicine in. You grabbed some sleeping pills that you use to use when you had a hard time going to sleep, and made a glass of water.
Y/B/F/N, walked through the door and called your name. She walked into the kitchen and saw you. You were just about to put the pills in your mouth when she knocked it out of your hand. Along with the cup, and everything landed on the floor. "Y/N! What the heck were you thinking!" She asked and you drop to your knees and began to cry once again. "I miss him Y/B/F/N. I can't go on without him." You say and cry harder. She crouches down next to you and pulls you into a hug. "I know peaches. It's hard, but it'll get better. I promise." She says as you continue to cry. "I'll be right back. I have to fo call someone really quick, but please don't do anything while I'm gone." She says and takes her phone out her pocket and starts to dial the number into her phone. She looks over at me and gives me a sad smilr before walking out of the kitchen with the phone put to her ear. You walk into the living room and plop down on the couch in silence. After a couple minutes Y/B/F/N comes into the room and hands you the phone. "Someone wants to talk to you." She says as you take it. You put it to your ear and take a breath before saying hello. "Y/N! Omg thank goodness you're okay!" Says the familiar voice. Michael you were about to start crying and trued to get the words you wanted to say out. "Michael... I miss you and I'm sorry for being such a screw up." You say and begin to cry. "No,
Y/N, you're not a screw up. If anything I am and I'm sorry for leaving you. Will you forgive me?" He says and you start to cry harder. "I forgive you Mickey, just come home." You say in between sobs and that's when you hear him. "What if I already am." He says and you look up to see Michael standing in front of you. You stand up and he pulls you into a hug. "I love you." He says and you pull away a little and smile. "I love you too." You answer and you hear an awe sound come from the doorway of the room. "I'm glad everything is okay, but just so you know, none of this happy ending stuff woulf have happened without me." She says and you give her a small smile Thank you Y/B/F/N. For everything." You say and she walks away with smile on her face.

Sorry Michael's is so long. I just liked where it was all going and I wanted to make it have a super happy ending. Well here you guys go and I hope you like Part 2. And thanks so much for 800 views! Stay awesome my little moonlighters and have a great day/night! ^-^

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