He Asks You Out

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You walked into Starbucks and headed towards the line by the cash register. Once you pick out what you want, it's your turn to order.

"I'll take Java Chip Frap." I say and get ready to pay for it when a voice pipes up from behind me.

"I'll lay for it." Says the stranger behind me, and when I turn around, I notice his sandy blond hairy, and his hazel eyes.

"Thanks but you don't have to." I say and he shakes his head. "It's my pleasure." He says and orders his drink, then paying for both.

I walk over to a table and he follows behind me, then sitting down in the seat across from me.

"Im Y/N by the way." You say and look up at him. "I'm Ashton." He says and you both shake hands. "So do you buy drinks for everyone, or did I get lucky." You say and you both start to giggle. "No, I found you interesting, so I decided to buy you a drink, and get to know you better." He says and you smile at his words.

After you finish your drink, you get up to go throw it away when Ashton grabs your arm.

"Before you go, can I get your number. Maybe we could go out sometime." He says, and you smile.

"I would love that." You say, and give him your number before walking out of the cafe. Waiting for your date with Ashton.

You walked into the guitar store searching for one thing. The perfect bass. You've looked at every store in town, but none had one you liked. This was the last store, so you had your fingers crossed.

You walk over to the bass section and start looking at your selection. And that's when you find the perfect one.

You reach for the guitar, someone grabs it before you.

"Finally, I found it." Says the person and you look up to see who it is. You gasp at what your greeted with.

A handsome guy with brown hair, and chocolate colored eyes stands in front of you.

It takes you a moment, but you remember what you came here fir and that the handsome stranger in front of you has it.

"Hi, I'm Calum." He says and reaches his hand out for you to shake, but you decline hia 'offer'.

"Yeah, I don't care who you are, I just know you're holding the instrument that I've been looking for for weeks, and I would like if you gave it to me." You say, adding sass to your tone.

"I would give it to you, on one condition." He says, and you give him questioning look.

"And what would that be?" You ask, starting to get annoyed.

"You go out with me." He says and his face holds a smirk. I mean it wouldn't ne that bad. He is cute.

"Fine, but can I get the instrument back?" You ask and he shakes his head.

"I'll do even more then that. I'll pay for it." He says and before you can protest, he already makes his way to the cash register.

"I'm Calum by the way." He says as you both make your way towards the exit, after purchasing the bass. "Y/N." You say and both walk out the door, and exchanging numbers before going your separate ways.

You were having trouble with math, and were slowly failing, so you decided to sign up for tutoring.

You walked into the empty classroom that tutoring was being held in, and took a seat at the desk of your choice.

While yiu waited for someone to walk in, you pulled out your book and began to read. It wasn't long before someone came inside the room. Clearing their throat for your attention.

You tear your gaze from your book to see a beautiful stranger standing in front of you.

"Hi, I'm Luke, and you must be Y/N?" He questions and you nod your head.

"That would be me." You say and look back at your book.

"How am I supposed to help you with your homework if your going to sit here and read?" He questions and you look up once again.

"You're my tutor?" You question him, and he nods his head in return. "Okay, well let's get started." He says and you pull out your math homework for him to help you with.

After you finish receiving help on your homework, you pack up your things and get up to leave when Luke called your name.

You turn around and face him to hear what he had to say.

"Y/N, I think your really cool, and I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" He asks and you smile.

"I would love too." You say and walk out of the room. Leaving a very happy Luke.

You and Michael walked into GameStop looking for new video games to play. You both had finished playing all your old games and were actually quite board with them, so you both decided to get new ones.

"What about this one?" You ask, holding up a game that looked some what interesting.

"Sure." He  says and you add it to the building stack of games.

The conversation went on like this until you had about ten games.

"Thanks for shopping, please come again." Says the cashier and Michael and you both answer with an 'We will' and walk put of the store.

"Y/N, would you like to gl go out with me tonight?" He asks you and you turn to face him with a shocked look.

"Michael Gorden Clifford. Are you asking me out on a date?" You question and he nods his head.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. He says and you smile. "I would love to go out with you." You say and both head to go get some ice cream.
I haven't updated in a while and I kind of ran out of ideas, so I went online and found some. So get ready for some more ideas! Anyways, love ya and stay awesome Moonlighters.😁

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