He finds out you're dating one of his band members

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Ashton (you're dating Calum)
You and Ashton have been dating for about a month now. You had to keep your relationship hidden because you both knew Ash would flip out if he knew.
When Ash first told you he joined the band, you didn't believe him do he took you to meet thr band. You immediately became interested in the boy with the brown hair and chocolate colored eyes.  Ash noticed your reaction and said that nobody in the band were aloud to date me, and I wasn't aloud to date them. That of course didn't stop you and Calum. You kept your relationship a secret, but you knew youvwould have to tell Ashton soon.
"We're going to have to tell him." Calum says from beside you. You were both sitting on the couch, watching a movie. "I know. Should we tell him today?" I ask, and Ashton walks into thw room. "Tell who what?" He asks and takes a seat on the other side of me. "Ashton, Calum and I need to tell you something."  I say and look up at Calum for aproval. He nods his head and I turn back to face a very confused Ashton. "Ash,  Calum and I are dating." I say and he just smiles. "That's what you had to tell me? I already knew that, but Calum, if you hurt my little sister, I will hurt you." Ash says and Calum quickly nods and Ash smiles. We all turn our attention back to the movie. Calum wraps his arms around my waist. I look up at him and smile.  We could be together now, and don't have to worry about getting Ashton's permission. You had to brag. You had a pretty cool brother and boyfriend.

Calum (you're dating Luke)
You and your brother, Calum, decided to have a movie night, so you both invited all the boys. You all picked out your spots in the living room. You decided to sit in the middle of the couch. Luke was on one side of you and Calum on the other. Michael was on the other couch  and Ashton on the couch across from Michael. You had the remote and picked out a movie on Netflix. After being indecisive, you finally pick a movie all could agree on. You all picked the Hunger Games as your movie choice. You snuggled up next to Luke and Calum was looking at you two weirdly. When Luke got up to use the bathroom, Calum leaned closer to you. "You really like him don't you?" He asks as a slight blush creeps onto your cheeks. You nod your head and he gives you a small smile. "I give you permission to date. You're really cute together and I want you to be happy." He says and Luke walks back into the living room, sitting in his original spot. You cuddled into his chest and Luke looks quickly at Calum, who wasn't paying attention. "Y/N, what are you doing? Calum is right there." He says, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's alright Luke, you and my sister can date. I'm okay with it, just know if you break her heart, I will break you." Calum says with a grin. Luke's eyes grow wide, but then he looks down at you and smiles. "I won't." He says and you all turn your attention back to the movie.
Luke (you're dating Michael)
"Y/N, I really like you, and I don't want to let you go. Please be my girlfriend." Michael asks, no, begs, as he stands in front you in the middle park you were at. You nod your head, and he pulls you ibto a hug. Since the other boys were at the park with you, you decided to walk over to them. Michael and your hand intertwined. "We've got some news." You say with a big grin on your face. All the boys turn their attention towards you two. "Michael and I are dating." You say, and everyone starts cheering. You see a sad look on Luke's fave so you walk over to him as Michael goes to talk to the other boys. "Luke, what's wrong?" You ask and Luke looks up at you. "I'm sorry Y/N." He says and you give him a confused look. "I don't get it. What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong." You say, still not getting what Luke was trying to say. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you how I felt before. I love you Y/N and I should have told you that before, but I was too afraid that you would say no, so I didn't. I know you're with Michael now, but know that I'm here and I love you. Sorry..." Luke says and turns to walk away, but you quickly grab his arm to stop him. "Luke, I'm sorry. I still hope we can be friends." You say and Luke finally looks up at you. "If you want to be friends, then I'm okay with that. I care about you Y/N and I don't want you to see you hurt." He says and you pull him into a hug. You both walk back to the boys and smile that everything was solved.
Michael (you're dating Ashton)
You and Michael used to date, but went through a bad breakup. You and Ashton were really close friends, so he comforted you through it all. The day he asked you to be his girlfriend you  immediately sayed yes, and decided to have a game night to celebrate. You pulled put all the board games you had and put them on the table. When the boys got here, you welcomed them inside, witha smile on your face. Michael being the last one in you give him a small smile and you all walked over towards the table. "Okay, but before start game night, Ashton and I need to tell you something." I say and everyone turns and faces me. "Ashton and I are now, officially, dating." You say and everyone cheers for you two, except Michael. You dcided to just rub it off and took your seet at the table. "Y/N, can we talk?" Someone whispered in your ear, causing you to jump a little. You turn to see it was Michael, and nodded your head, and got up from your spot. Walking into the hallway, you turn to face Michael. "Yes?" You ask and he looks up at you. "Y/N, I still love you. Breaking up you was one of the stupidest things I ever did, and I'm sorry. I came over here today to tell you I love you and I wanted to get back together with you, but you're with Ashton now, and I don't want to ruin yoir relationship with him. I just thought I'd let you know how I felt." He says, pulls you into a quick embrace, then leaves without saying goodbye. You walk back to the table to play some games with the rest of the boys. "What happened?" Ashton whispered to you but you just shook your head. "Nothing. Ready to play?" You ask and Ashton gives you a weird look, but quickly brushes it off. If you didn't want to talk about it, he wasn't going to force you. "Okay, but I'm going to kick all of your butts." Ashton says, and you all begin the game.

Hey guys! I finally had time to publish this part. I hope you like it. Love ya and stay awesome my little moonlighters! ^-^

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