Special Day

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Here is a preference for all the Ashton girls! Happy Birthday, Ash! I can't believe our drummer is already turning 23!


"Ash, wake up!" You yell, jumping on your side of the bed, causing Ashton to move as well. "Y/N, can you please stop?" He asks, his voice low from just waking up. "I'll stop once you're up. Are you up?" You question and he slowly nods his head, eyes still closed. "See, that's not good enough. Ash, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way." You say and stop jumping on the bed.

"What's the easy way?" He mumbles, falling back asleep. "Well, the easy way is you just getting up and get ready for today." You answer, trying to sound as sweet as possible as it was Ashton's Birthday. "And if I don't do that?" He questions, eyes still closed and sleep taking over him once again. "Then we do this the hard way, and trust me when I say this, you'll want to take this the easy way." You answer back slyly and you begin to smile as Ashton begins to stir.

"Because I know you, I'll take your offer on that." He says, slowly sitting up and your smile grows wider. "Okay, well I have to go check on a couple things down the hallway, but if I come back to find you asleep again, there will be no mercy shown." You say, giving him a quick smile before walking out the bedroom and closing the door behind you. Walking down the hallway of your shared flat, you land in the living room to find all the boys where you last left them.

"Everything set up? All reservations booked? I swear if you tell me no I will break-" You begin to rant before Luke walks over, wrapping you in a hug. "Relax Y/N, we got everything's set up as planned. A breakfast at IHOP, a movie after breakfast, which is Wonder Woman, lunch at the beach, where we booked reservations at your favorite restaurant and you guys will hang out there, and we will set up your dinner at the place we all met you." He says, calming you by petting your hair, just like Ashton would do.

"I'm sorry guys, I just want everything to be perfect. So were all giving him our gifts at dinner tonight?" You ask and they all smile, nodding their heads, making you relax. "Well, I'm going to go get dressed and make sure Ashton's not back asleep or we will have to put plan two into action." You say, causing everyone to laugh. "Okay, well we're ready when you guys are," Calum calls out as you begin to make your way out of the living room. "And could you guys put a little pep in your step? I'm hungry..." Michael says, causing you to playfully roll your eyes.

Taking a step into the bedroom, you see Ashton getting ready. "Oh, hey Y/N, as you can see, I'm awake and there is no need to do things the hard way." He says, sounding a little scared. "I see, well why don't we finish getting ready because there is a surprise for you ing the living room." You say, starting to get ready. "Okay," he says and resumes to what he was doing.


Everything was going as planned. You all had breakfast at IHOP, went to the movies, and then the boys left to go set up the dinner. You wanted everything to go perfectly, as Ashton was a very important person in your life, and you didn't want to lose him. Driving along, both of you were quiet as you were both listening to Paramore's song, Misery Business.

Once you got there, you saw the boys waiting, and when they saw you, they made their way over. Getting out of the car, Ashton follows your lead. "Okay, for this part, you both will have to be blindfolded," Luke says, and Michael and Calum pull out bandanas from behind them. Closing your eyes, they tie it around your eyes, doing the same to Ashton.

Walking along, we finally come to a halt. "Okay, you guys can now take off the blindfolds," Calum says, and you can hear the excitement in his voice. Following their instructions, Ashton and you take off the blindfolds, and you look at Ashton, you can see he's about to cry. "This isn't real, right? I'm dreaming, right? This place looks amazing! This is where we all first met Y/N." He says, looking over at you, and seeing him like this makes you want to cry yourself as you shake your head.

"No Ash, we had this planned." You say and he walks over and pulls you all into a group hug. "Thanks, guys," He says and you feel a tear slip from your eye. Pulling away, you take Ashton's hand in yours. "Before we eat, I want to give you a present," Ashton says and your face grows in confusion. "Ashton, it's your birthday, if anything we should be giving you the presents." You say, but he just shakes his head.

"Just hear me out. Y/N, I've known you for a while now, and I realize there is no one else I'd rather be with, so please, make this the best birthday ever by saying yes? Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks, and he's already on one knee, holding up a little box, and what rests inside is a beautiful ring. There was only one thing you could say. "Yes Ashton, I will marry you." And your smile grows so wide, you feel like your cheeks might tear. Standing up, Ashton nervously slips the ring onto your finger before you two embrace, causing everyone to stare in awe.

"Now, I have a feeling you boys were apart of this." You say and when you turn your head to face them, they have the biggest smiles on their faces. "We may have played a little part in this event," Michael says and you pull them into a hug. "Thank you," You whisper to them and can feel yourself wanting to cry. "This was the best birthday ever, thanks, guys," Ashton says and you feel yourself grow with happiness. You couldn't ask for better people in your life.

I hope you all enjoyed, but I would like to dedicate this chapter to a dear 5SOS friend of mine, who is an Ashton girl.


I hope you enjoyed this!

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