Self Harm (He's Your Brother)

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You couldn't take it anymore.  The same girl at school was making fun of you for everything.

Your hair was hideous, your clothes weren't cute enough, and she said one thing that pushed you over the edge.

'You're never going to be as good as your brother, so why are you still here? You'll just live in his shadow for the rest of your life; wishing you were good enough.  You'll never be anything more then a stupid girl who just roams around the earth; accomplishing nothing.' She said and I was done.

Running home, I lock myself in the bathroom, and grab the blade I kept hidden in the cabinet.

Not caring who knocked on the door, I began to cut my rist.

It stung at first, but after a while, it started to feel good. It felt like I was letting a my problems flow away.

A couple minutes passed and I still didn't come out if the bathroom. Not wanting to facw my brother, I stay inside and just sit in the calming silence.

My silence didn't last long when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Y/N? Are you still in there?" He asks and I think of what to do next.

He doesn't know I cut, nor do I want him too.

"Yeah, just give me a sec." I answer and stand up to was the blood from my wrists.

Wincing a little, I wait until all the blood is washed away before going to dry my wrists and pulling my sleeve down so he won't notice.

Opening the door, I see Ashton standing right in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nkd my head before trying to make my way around him.

I take a step and try to continue to walk, but Ashton grabs my wrist and I wince and cry out in pain.

"Y/N... What did you do?" He asks and I just shake my head and try to grab my arm back, but fail.

He lifts up my sleeve and when he see's the cuts he looks scared.

"Y/N, why didn't you tell me?" He asks and I shake my head as tears begin to form in my eyes. I try to fight them, but the moment I see them form in Ashton's, I let them out.

"I'm sorry Ash. I just couldn't take it anymore. She was constantly making fun of ne, and I finally broke. I'm sorry." I say and he instantly pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay Y/N. Just know that I'm here and it doesn't matter what anyone else says about you. You are perfect just the way you are. Don't change for anyone okay?" He says and I nod my head.

"I won't. I promise." I say and at my words he places a kiss on my forehead.

You're parents were fighting once again, and yeah, it was normal, but this time was worse.

This time, divorce was brought up in the conversation.

The words they passed to each other were so hurtful.

You weren't exactly sure how Calum was taking it so well, but you sure as hell wasn't.

Grabbing a knife from the counter, you casually walk into your room and close the door behind you.  Going to sit on your window seat, you begin to cut your wrists.

After feeling satisfied with your work, you put the knife down on the window sill and and sit there. Looking out at the peaceful world that lays ahead of you.

Within a couple minutes, you soon drift off into a peaceful sleep. Not carring about the worries that lay ahead.

Moments pass and you are woken up to your brother shaking you.

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