Chapter One - Recap

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She was once a scavenger in Jakku... Now she was a slave girl to the First Order.

She had been forced to wear skimpy outfits and serve the leaders of the First Order their dinners and fine wines.

She was given to Kylo Ren, she was confused by him. He would treat her horribly and yell and scream... ordering her to do stupid or painful tasks.

Then the next moment he was kissing her and calling her sweet names.

He killed Snoke, maybe for her maybe for selfish reasons... But he killed him. The First Order was now under his command... He was in charge, he was the new Supreme Leader.

But on top of everything he had strong feelings for her, compassion if you will.


It had been about two weeks of Kylo being the new supreme leader. Lillian , a girl who was meant to be his other slave and a girl who Rey hated with every fiber in her body, was gone. and that made Rey very happy.

Rey and Kylo's relationship grew and budded. It was good. She was no longer served meals or was his slave.

She was more like his live in girlfriend. And they were both happy.

Rey had confessed to lying about Leia and all and true he was mad but he still forgave her.

Kylo woke up and didn't see her . She usually slept in his room with him.
"Rey ?" He said .

The bathroom door was open and the light shone through . He could hear her vomiting and it made him cringe .

"Rey you okay ?" He asked walking over to the bathroom.

He heard the toilet flush and then the water from the sink began . She brushed her teeth and felt horrible .

"Rey what's the matter ?" He asked and began to rub her back.

"I don't know ..." She said .

"Rey ? Could you be ?" He said .

"Be what ?" She asked as she threw her loose hair in to a bun.

"You know .... with child ..." Kylo asked .

"Like ... Pregnant?" Rey asked very worried .

"It could be -"

"But we haven't done anything for like two weeks !" Rey said .

"This is gonna be a rather personal question ... When was the last time you bled ?" He asked .

"Not since I got here" she said .

"When were you suppose to bleed ?" He asked .

"Four days ago ... It's never been this late" she said .

"Rey I think you could be -"

Rey then fainted . Kylo caught her quickly and then brought her to the bed .

Kylo threw his clothes on and then picked her up and carried her down to the infirmary.

"Kylo Ren Sir ... Can I help you?" A lady said .

"She needs to see a doctor" he said .

The lady nodded and then took them to a room.

After thirty minutes, Rey woke up and saw Kylo holding her hand . "How you feeling ?" He asked .

"Dizzy" she said .

"Well we're just waiting for the doctor to come back" Kylo said .
Rey nodded and sighed .

The doctor came in with a smile on her face "congratulations... You're pregnant " she said and then walked off .

Rey and Kylo looked at each other . "I'm pregnant " she said and looked at him .

"And that child will be born in the light ... He or she shall never see darkness Rey ... Not now not never" he said and kissed her .



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