Chapter Fourteen- You're A Labyrinth And I Never Want To Find a Way Out

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This chapters was partial inspired by this gorgeous piece of art ! Credit to its creator !

Warning... There is a lot of smut, I had to prepare by reading tons... I SWEAR IT WAS RESEARCH ! Also, I watched Jesus Christ Superstar whilst writing it so that I have god near by.. Lol anyway enjoy your innonoce being taken away.

 Lol anyway enjoy your innonoce being taken away

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"Ben ... Make me another baby" she said and pulled him closer.

He immediately crawled atop her and began to attack her neck. His hands touched her body and caressed her. He loved this women so much .

He felt the memories of their first time , the first time they made love , that crazy passion filled night . They held and kissed and did everything she wanted and he needed .

He put his hands on her waist and then poked at her lips with his tongue.

He pushed his tongue through her mouth and allowed himself to explore every inch of her mouth .

She could feel his smirk against her lips. He brought his tongue out of her mouth and began to kiss her lips again.

Rey's hands flew to his neck as his lips moved from her lips to her jaw and then her collar bone .

He left little red splotches all over her neck. He was marking his territory.

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