Chapter Eighteen- Home Sweet Home

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Little Luke and Benji were outside playing, giggling about as Rey was tying her daughter's brown hair so she could play.

"Mamma?" Stella asked .

"Yes sweetie ?" Rey asked her daughter who was in her lap.

"When's daddy coming home?" Stella wondered as her mother brushed the last part of her hair.

"Tonight... Hopefully before dinner... Now go on and play and please be careful... You know how your brothers can be"

"Okay mamma" Stella said and ran to her brothers. Rey stood up and smoothed the skirt she wore.

There was then a gust of wind , she shrugged it off and then sat down .... Not even noticing that it was Ben's ship ...

It landed on the field where the kids were playing. The latch to the ship opened then Ben came down, his dark robes following him and Stormtroopers behind him.

"Daddy!" He heard Stella squeal and then she and her brothers ran to to him.

Ben smiled and then bent down to gather his children. Benji on his back , Luke in one of his arms and Stella in his other.

They all were laughing and smiling , telling their father how much they missed him and loved him.

"Where's your mother?" He asked his younglings.

"She's over there!" Benji said from his father's back pointing to the small patio.

He saw Rey sitting on the swinging bench and had a holoreader on. Her feet couldn't even reach the ground since she was so short , but she looked beautiful nonetheless.

"Why don't you all run inside and mamma and I will be inside in a minute " he said putting all his children down.

The three nodded and then ran off inside to the base turned palace for the Solo's .Ben dismissed the troopers and they all went to their tents .

He stalked silently to his wife who's nose was deep into her holoreader. He stood behind her "you know if you stare at that too long it'll strain your eyes" he whispered in her ear.

"Oh Maker !" She screamed and turned to see her husband with a stupid grin on his face . "You!" She said angrily but with plenty of joking in her voice .

Ben smiled and walked around to take a seat next to her . "Hi love" he smiled.

"I thought you weren't coming home till dinner" Rey said as she brought her legs up to sit criss cross.

"I only told you that so I could suppose you" he smiled and then kissed her . Rey dropped the holoreader and wrapped her arms around his neck .

A moment later he pulled away. "Missed me?" He asked .

"You have no idea" she said still holding onto him . "You've been gone for 15 cycles ... Two weeks Mr. Solo... You left me with your children for two weeks ... We missed you an awful lot"

"I missed all of you an awful lot too sweetheart" he told her "but ... There is now no longer an problems on Endor ... And I'll be home for a long time" he said and kissed her once more.

"You know " she said running her hands through his hair . "I didn't just miss you emotionally ..."

"Trust me ... I felt your desire through the force bond love ... And it has been too long"

"I only wished I wasn't I'll that day you left... We would have gotten to lay together before you left" she sighed.

"You're not ill now and I'm home... What do you say after dinner we run off to our room and leave the little ones for Hux and the other generals to deal with"

"I say yes" Rey smiled and kissed him.

"I say why wait till dinner?" Ben asked with a smirk.

"Oh no you don't!" She then put a finger to his face . "You have a little daughter in there who has been asking when daddy is going to be home for two weeks ... Go spend time with them... They missed you so much Ben"

"Alright Rey" he sighed "but don't expect to get any sleep tonight" he smirked and then walked to follow the children.

School is FUXKING stupid !!!!

Mmmkkkkk bye !

Mmmkkkkk bye !

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