Chapter Thirteen- Still as Beautiful

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He woke up to the sight of her dress down and little Estella finishing her breakfast.

"Good girl" she mumbled to her daughter as she burped her and then put her back in the crib .

"Keep your dress down" he grumbled in his low morning voice .

"Ben" she says "I'm leaking ... I just feed Estella -"

"I don't care" he said and pulled her down to him . "Holy shit Rey" he said his hands now on her bare chest.

"What ? Did she leave a -"

"You've went from an A to a Double D in like what ... 13 months ... I could just take you now" he said .

"Our children are right there ... Those things leave emotional scars... You're just gonna have to wait till we're alone tonight with all the generals playing nanny droid" she smirked .

"Rey ... Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?"

"At least twice a day for a year why?" She asked.

"I haven't said it enough" he grunted and then climbed on top of her . He began to kiss down her neck and chest.

"Ben .." She put her hands on his bare chest "the babies are right there"

"I don't give a fuck ... I'll gladly put a camera right there and let everyone see as I fuck you senseless and my mouth all over you ... I'll flatten you into this mattress ... I'll send it to my mother ... The sounds of you orgasming will be the ringtone of every single man in the fucking galaxy "

"You really should go take a cold shower and get yourself off ... Besides... We have family stuff to do"

"We'll make it a family event ... The babies go to their nursery and stay they're quietly as their mother's mouth screams my name" he grunted.

"Ben I'm serious " she stopped him.

"So am I" he smirked and went to press his lips right shoved her rounded chest.

"Ben now ... Get the fuck off me !" She pushed him and he fell on the floor of the bedroom.

He looked up from her , holding his chin , as she buttoned her nightgown . "You bitch" he said under his breath.

"Excuse me ?" She said looking down at him .

"I said you're a bitch!" He stood up.

"Well you're a fucking dick who can't take no without getting upset" she snapped .

"You're a hormonal bitch ... That's the worst kind" he said .

She stood up to him and crossed her arms over her chest. He looked at her in the eyes and then they began to laugh . "I can't stay mad at you ... My beautiful gorgeous wife" he chuckled.

This was the most the two did most days , a couple kisses in the morning then they would say the same things every day . It gave them a little romance in their lives .

"My handsome husband better take his shower because I am not having sex with a dirty man" she pointed to the bathroom door.
He walked out and began the water .

After Rey and Ben had dropped the three babies with Hux and a few other generals and Rey gave them all a 'you-hurt-my-babies-I'll-chop-off-your-dick-with-his-lightsaber-' looks and he gave them all 'and-I'll-let-her' look. Ben had thrown her over his shoulder as he walked down the halls of the base .

Passing slaves and droids and generals. Rey let out a giggle as he carried her easily and sprinted down the halls to their private quarters , which had soundproof walls.

He didn't even bother punching in the security code he just waved his hand over it to use the force and then slammed the door . Rey still on his shoulder .

He opened the door to their bedroom by slamming his foot then shut it closed fast.

He threw her on the bed , gently and playfully . "Wait one minute... Let me fix the lights" he said .

He walked to the hall to fix the lights and get some music on. She stripped her dark navy dress she had been wearing and laid on the bed , red bra and panties.

He came back to see her laying in bed , she had applied red lipstick and let her hair out of her pins . "Fuck" he said looking at her .

"Whatca' waiting for ?" She asked with a flirty smile .

He didn't even take 30 seconds to tear off his own clothing and leaving himself just in his boxers.

He tackled her and began pressing hot kisses all over her face . "Ben .." She breathed out all airy .

He looked up from her neck and looked in her eyes . "Before we do anything ... I just want you to know that I love you ... And I had three children at once ... And I didn't have much time to work the baby weight off and my stomach is not flat like it used to be and I have stretch marks and -"

"Do I look like I care about those superficial things?" He asked them leaned down and kissed her stretch marks one by one . "I love you ... I love you as much as I did as you were in the slave outfit , serving me wine on golden trays to now ... You lying on our bed , in just your underwear , after we had a day with our children and spent the day laughing ... You're still so beautiful... Stretch marks or not ... I have scars from my greatest battles ... And now you do too" he told her with love in his eyes .

Her eyes began to well up . "Ben... Can I ask you something ... Before anything else ?"

"Of course" he said getting off her and sitting down next to her .

"We never discussed  a baby ... Let alone three ... Ben would you hate me if I told you ... I want another baby" she said .

"Another baby?" He asked .

"I know that sounds crazy and all but I want another baby... I know we have three but every day they're growing and I growing more independent... They can almost talk and Ben is crawling and Luke is feeding himself his dry cereal and Stella is losing her baby weight " she said a tear falling down her cheek .

"Rey... You want another baby?" He asked , she nodded slowly  and sadly. "Tell me when and we'll have another baby"

"Ben ... Make me another baby" she said pulling him close to her .

Smut in the next chapter ... Also the triplets are now 11 months old just so you know !



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