Chapter Two- Promsies

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Rey was sitting down in his quarters. He had a meeting with the first order commanders.

She was worried, not about whatever they were doing but how this baby would live.

He said he didn't want the baby to live in a world full of darkness but every time that she asked about it he brushed off the question and would change the subject.

Maybe he was lying about their child not living in a world of darkness. Maybe he though that was what she wanted to hear.

The door opened and he walked in. "Hello Dear" he said as let go of his mask and placed it on the table.

"Hi" she said softly and undid the long braid she had.

"What's wrong Rey ? You seem off" he sat besides her on the dark leather couch.

"Nothing" she says as she untangled her hair.

"Rey I can tell when something is wrong... What is it?" He asked her and then grabbed her hand.

"Will you answer me truthfully?" She asked.

"Of course dear" he squeezed her hand.

"You said that our child will never live in a world of darkness but I don't see you making an efforts or when ever I bring this up you always ignore it " she told him and looked at his dark eyes and pale eyes.

"Rey , things are difficult and we have to do strategy against the Resistance-"

"But the resistance is the light side ! Don't you see ... You're planning on hurting them !" She said.

"Rey , I can't make executive decisions -"

"Yes you can ! You're the supreme leader ! Don't you understand that you can do anything you want! I want a safe home for this child" she told him and turned to face him "you promised me that the child would never be in the darkness , and every day I spend here in this dark planet the stronger and stronger the darkness in the baby is !"

"And how is that a bad thing ?" He asked.

"You can not actually be asking me that ! Kylo , you've killed innocent people who did nothing to you , men and women ... You've killed children just for the hell of it... That's not something I plan on bringing my child into" she put her hand on her nonexistent baby bump.

"Then what do you want Rey? You and I are having a child together" he said "I have millions of people who believe in the First Order counting on me to fulfill the hopes of the First Order-" he said.

"You have me and this baby counting on you too... And I want to be with you in the light ! The light ! And I don't wanna see my child grow up here" she answered.

"Rey, don't you get it ... You can't leave ! You can't leave this place or can't leave me... You have my child in there and as its father I deserve the right to be with it !"

"You're going to keep me here against my will ?" She shouted.

"I need you and our child safe from any harm that the First Order will do ... Especially if you and I were to go to the resistance the first order would kill you without a blink of the eye" he said .

"So you're keeping me against my will ?" She asked.

"It's only to keep the both of you safe dear" he then kissed her cheek softly and rubbed her thigh. "I have a meeting to get to ... I'll see you both later" he smiled at her and walked out.

Rey watched him leave then closed her eyes and laid down on the couch. She was angry at him. He lied to her.

She tried to get into the force. It was harder since the darkness was all around her.

"Luke ? Please !"

"Rey ? Rey is that you ?"

"Yes Luke ! I need help ...."

"What's wrong child?"

"It's Kylo ... He's lying to me and I'm pregnant.... He told me that our child would never be in the darkness ... He's lied to me"

"How so?"

"He told me that he is keeping me here against my will... He won't let me leave !"

"What do you want us to do ?" He asked.

"Get me and my child out of here... I can't let this baby to live in the dark"

"Alright dear... I'll talk with Leia and I'll call for you soon to tell you ... Until then shield your mind , do not let know that we had this conversation.... May the Force be with you child"

"May the force be with you Luke"


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