Chapter Seven - Reyhanne Kenobi

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Rey sat alone in this little cave , she could sense him near . A Jedi does not cry ! She would not cry. She had been alone for almost six weeks.

The man she had so desperately tried to make him return to the light said he would find her no matter what ... Not in a good way.

She could feel him grow closer every minute. She held her hand over her tiny bump of a stomach .

"Dear Baby ..." She said aloud to the small bump "I hope someday somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight and that's all they do. They don't pull away, they don't look at your face, they don't try to kiss you, all they do is wrap their arms around you and hold on without an ounce of selfishness to it. I hope you become addicted, baby. I hope you become addicted to saying things and having them matter to someone." She whispered her tears falling on to her hands .

She heard a crack then felt a buzz in the force ... Kylo Ren was here . He was here to take her and her child .

She hid further back into cave , hoping she could think of something before one of them came .

She heard sounds of blasters and creatures in the woods dying . She saw glimpses of storm troopers ready to kill.

"Dear baby ... If you're there , please don't make any force significant... Don't let Kylo Ren find us baby... Keep yourself safe by not doing anything ... Block out his signal ... Please baby" she mumbled softly, pulling her knees to her chest.

She sobbed silent tears , her chest heavy but she must remain silent . She felt a presences near by , someone with the force .

Then she felt it so close and a red light was looming from the front of the cave .

"Come out Rey " she heard his deep mechanical voice say with his heavy boots clunking on the cold cave ground.

"I know you're here ... Come now Reyhanne" he hissed .

Reyhanne ? Who the bloody hell is Reyhanne ? She asked herself not using her force to speak.

"It's easier to come out , you will have no harm to you" he stomped around the cave , his jagged red saber cutting through the rocks in the cave .

Suddenly the clunking of his boots stopped , she looked up from her knees and saw him there , his mask on his head and then he stabbed his saber at the wall.

"Please don't hurt me" she managed to whisper .

He grunted then extinguished his saber , clipping it on his belt then grabbing her by the arm .

"Let me go !" She yelled , grabbing at her arm with her free hand .

"You've ran for to long Reyhanne" he said and pulled her further .

"Stop it ! You're hurting me!" She squeaked . She managed to break free of his death hold and use her own saber that was at her hip .

She swung at him , but he dodged her hit . "Stop !" He yelled then put his hand out in front of her . She froze in place like she did once ago in the woods of Takodana.

He moved his hand over her face and she fell back , he caught her once again and then carried her out of the cave into his shuttle .


She woke with a pain in her head and she found herself stuck on an interrogation chair . She looked around , and suddenly she remembered what happened.

He took her again , he hurt her again. "Good" she heard the mechanical voice of Kylo Ren say.
"You're awake"

"Let me go !" She struggled against the restraints.

"You're to valuable to me... You will live here and never escape from me again" he hissed.

"If your trying to be romantic you're a fool ..." She scoffed.

"You're mine Reyhanne ... Mine and only mine "

"Who is the damned Reyhanne ?!" She asked angry .

"You my dear" he said moving his gloved hand to her cheek "are the damned Reyhanne"

"How do you know that is my name ?"

"Jedi and Sith old records ... Do you know of your lineage?"

"I was left alone on Jakku ... That's all you nerf herder !"

He laughed through his mask "Reyhanne ... Reyhanne Kenobi... The only living descendent of the Kenobi bloodline " he said .

"Take off your mask !" She shouted .

He undid her mask and set it down and then walked over to her "Kenobi was the last name of the damned folks Obi Wan Kenobi ... The man who was once Darth Vader's master turned his enemy "

"Obi Wan ?" She asked , she's heard that name before .

"Yes ... He betrayed Vader, he had romantic feelings for my grandmother , Anakin's wife... He allowed Anakin to be left alone in a pit of lava ... He trained Luke Skywalker to defeat his father" he said.

"How in the maker do you know I'm a Kenobi ?" She barked .

"Love ," he began "Obi Wan was in love with a duchess , Satine Kryze ... She died but not before she had a child ... Your father ..."

"Father" she struggled against the locks on her arms .

"Yes , he made a deal with Supreme Leader Snoke that one day you would marry his Sith apprentice, so your land would be safe from the First Order"

"I would end up marrying you" she whispered aloud .

"Yes love , and when that damned Luke Skywalker found out of the marriage he feared that the Sith would grow , so he killed your mother and father , then left you alone on Jakku .."

"Why is me being a Kenobi so damned important?"

"Because my dear" he walked closer to her "the Skywalker's are the most force sensitive family in the galaxy ... The Kenobi's come in close second... Our child Reyhanne will be the most powerful child in the galaxy" he then leaned down and kissed her . "Now , I will have several troopers bring you to your quarters ... I will see you tonight" he then grabbed his helmet and marched out.

I have a new book called .


Go check it out fam !

Also this story will be much darker than the original, so please take note ! There may be some rape or domestic violence elements...

All for entertainment purposes of course!


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