Chapter Sixteen- Happy Birthday / Check Out My New Book !

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It was their first birthday. She was excited . She had figured out to how bake three small cakes for the babies to smash . She felt a hand on her back and then a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning " he grumbled into her ear.

"Morning" she turned to face him. "Their party is in a couple hours , me ... The babies ... That's all" she said .

"Rey ... I think I have the perfect gift for them" he told her .

"What could that be ? Baby lightsabers?"

"No ... Sit down babe ... We need to talk -"

"I swear to the marker you leave me I'll kill you" she sat down .

"No" he laughed and grabbed her hand . "Rey ... Remember how when you were first pregnant I said that they would never live in the darkness ... And that's what they have been doing for the past year ..."

"Yes and ?"

"Rey... I love you and I love my children ... And I just came from a meeting ... My mother and I were talking -"

"Oh dear"

"No... She and I were talking ... Several generals from both sides ... We've come to an agreement... Me as supreme leader of the galaxy and my mother and her generals and well as mine as the council ... To bring peace"

"Ben ... You're not saying what I think you're saying "

"I am Rey ... No more talk of darkness" he smiled .

Rey jumped up and ran to him . Quickly engulfing her husband in a hot kiss. Running her hands all over his body .

He smirked as she kissed him. "Rey you didn't even let me get to the best part" he pulled away

"What then ?" She asked.

"We are having their birthday in two hours ... With some people from the resistance"

"Poe ? And Finn ? And Master Luke ! You're mother too?" She asked .

"Just to name a few " he told her . Rey then stood up to kiss her husband again and again .

"Oh Benny !" She cried and threw her arms around his neck and crawled into his lap . "You're the best husband ever !" She giggled into his ear and continued to kiss his neck and face . "You're the best father in the whole galaxy... I love you"


Rey was wearing a light grey sundress with flowers in her hair . Her long waves curled and put half up half down.

Benji and Lule were next to her . Benji standing next to his brother in front of her .

Estella was in Ben's arms . Playing with his black collar . She was giggling and laughing with Ben .

Rey knew that Estella had favorites ... And her favorite has always been Ben .

"Rey ? Rey is that you?" She heard and then saw Finn .

Rey ran past her boys and husband them quickly hugged Finn . "Oh my god Rey !" He hugged her tight .

"Finn I missed you !" She said hugging him.

"Traitor !" Estella yelled when she saw Finn.

"Stella !" Rey scolded her daughter "no ! Bad girl !"

Estella then began to cry into Ben's shoulder . "Mamma is mean !"

"Shhh... It's all right Stella" Ben cooed to his baby.

"Mamma ? Who's he ?" Benji asked

"This is Uncle Finn ... He's mamma's friend" she told him .  Benji looked at Finn up and down them stretched his arms up . Finn looked at Rey with a confused look on his face . "He wants up"

Finn then picked him up and held him . She felt a tap on her shoulder them saw Poe . "Poe !" She smiled and hugged him .

"Hey Rey ! You look great!" He said hugging her .

"Thank you so much .. You do too -"

"Mamma ? Pilot?" Luke asked .

"Yes this is uncle Poe ... He's a pilot..."

"Space ship ! Vroom Vroom!"

"Yeah I make spaceships go vroom vroom" Poe said bending down to met his gaze . Luke grabbed his hand and pulled him along . A slight smile on Rey's face .

"Rey ? Honey is that you?" Leia said walking over .

"Leia !" She hugged the shorter woman "I missed you"

"I missed you too... You didn't not a baby!" She said .

"I actually had three"

"Three ?"

"Yes ... Benjamin, Lucas and Estella... Ben come here !" Rey motioned to her husband .

He walked with Estella still sniffling in his arms . "Hello mother" Ben said .
Rey stepped on his toe and he rolled his eyes.

"Hi Ben ... Who's the sweetie?" Leia asked.

"Mother ... Meet your youngest grandchild and only granddaughter... This is Estella Padmè..." He said "Stella say hello to your grandmother"

Stella looked at Leia then curled back to Ben . "She's like that often ... She only likes Ben ... I can't tell you how many times she was crying and it was because Ben wasn't there" Rey said .

"A daddy's girl I assume?" Leia asked .

"Most definitely" Rey told her .

"Nothing's wrong with that" Ben said rubbing his daughter's back.

"Say that in 10 years when she won't play with the other kids" Rey rolled her eyes at him... "Benji ! Luke ! Come here !" Rey yelled to the boys .

They came , one with black hair and blue eyes and one with black hair and hazel eyes . "This is Benjamin Orion ... And this is Lucas Anakin ... Say hi to grandma boys" Rey nudged them.

"Hi grandma!" Benji said waving .

"Hi grandma !" Luke said .

"They're more social" Rey told him.

"Perhaps Stella will grow up like Ben" Leia said .

"That's what scares me" she said .

Hey guys !!! I have a new book I would really appreciate if you checked it out "Wake up with Amnesia"

-Hey guys !!! I have a new book I would really appreciate if you checked it out "Wake up with Amnesia"

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