Chapter Three- Thoughts In The Night

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Rey was sleeping next to Kylo in their large dark bed. The blankets were wrapped around them.

Kylo opened his eyes and saw her shivering , he pulled the blankets off him and wrapped them around Rey , and then put his large arms around her.

She stopped shivering and sunk into his warm embrace. He moved some of her long brown hair back and toyed with it.

She was so beautiful and perfect. He only wished he had done this right. He wished that she had chosen to come with him when he offered to teach her.

He wished he never treated her with such disrespect and hurt her both physically and verbally.

He wished that they had been dating for a while and that he got down on one knee and asked for her hand in marriage.

He wished that she screamed yes and then kissed him passionately and they planned a wedding.

A grand wedding with flowers and music and guests. She would wear a beautiful sliver gown that flowed out from her hips .

Her long hair would have been put up in some delicate hair style with braids and jewels .

She would hold his hand at the alter and declare her love for him and they would kiss.

That's all he wanted but that would never happen . He knew that it could never be in that order.

He was the Supreme Leader, he was in charge and had to keep the goals of the First Order up.

He could never give her that grand wedding . He could never hold her hand while she wore that sliver dress.

He would have to marry her quickly and fast , and not let anyone be at the ceremony expect the priest.

He didn't want their child to be a bastard . But that seems what was going to happen.

"Kylo ? What's wrong?" She asked turning to face the dark haired man with his bare chest.

"Nothing " he coughed "I was just thinking that's all dear" he sighed.

"Come one now ... What's wrong?" She grabbed hold of his hand and held it gently with her own.

"I'm fine dear I am-"

"Now don't be that way... What's wrong?" She leaned her head on his chest and began to rub his hand softly.

"I'm okay -"

"Kylo Ren ... What's wrong?" She asked "tell me now" she demanded.

"Rey I'm fine-" then she pressed her hand to his temple and peered back into his mind .

He had a shameful look on his face. She pulled her hand away and looked at him.

Her hear broke for him. "Kylo... We can still have all those things ... Maybe not in that order but we can" she told him softly .

"Rey, our child will be born a bastard-"

"No it will not , don't worry about it... It's fine... " she kissed his temple and grabbed his hands . "Go to sleep , it's okay ... You need it... You have meetings all day tomorrow, sleep please"

"Okay " he said and held her close . She wrapped her thin arms around his torso and rested her head on his chest. He sighed and closed his eyes.

It was strange for them being in the same bed . It was strange because neither of them had said they loved each other yet.

Did they love each other ? True they had great feelings and compassions for each other.

But was it love ? No , it wasn't ... He was afraid to love and she didn't know how.

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