Chapter Ten- You're Breaking My Heart

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It had been months since their wedding, people knew of her title , mainly because he would be walking , helmet and cape , and her arm would find its way to hook with his.

She tried desperately to seek out Ben . She would get Ben at night , when he was happy and he would speak to the baby in her belly. He would rub her shoulders and feet to relax her , then kiss her goodnight and cuddle with her.

But when Kylo was there he was rough and demanding . He never raped her , he would be rough with her but they did have a safe word. He would hold to her tightly, he wouldn't bring her the midnight snacks she craved he would lay on his side of the bed , just holding her left hand .

"Where are you going ?" She asked coming out of the fresher in their room.

He was packing a large trunk . "War" he answered.

"Where ?" She asked .

"Ach-To , Takadona ... And Hoth ... The troops and I will be gone for two months ... Maybe more" he replied coldly .

"But I'm due any day now ... You can't miss the birth of your child" she said realizing the times.

"My life doesn't revolve around a baby " he snapped.

She looked at him with pain and sorrow in her eyes . He didn't just ... He didn't just say that.

He called in a droid who brought his trunk out . He grabbed his helmet with he walked out.


He was out in the hangar , his ship ready to leave the base . "Kylo !" She yelled running after him , her pregnant belly leading the way for her .

Her long deep purple dress flowed behind her as she ran over to him. He didn't give her a kiss goodbye , that's all.

He took off his mask and placed it to the floor then opened his arms to her. She ran into them to hug him tightly , her pregnant belly pressed against him.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked his voice no longer mechanical from his helmet.

"I'm worried about you" she told him.

"Why are you worried about me?" He asked her .

"You're still in the dark and you're going to miss the birth of our child" she said .

"Reyhanne stop -"

"Ben ... All I need is your love" she says her voice airy from the run to him.

"Love won't save your Rey , only my powers will do that"he told her , telling her that was the only way.

"At what cost ?" She asked "you're a good person ..."

"Reyhanne the powers will keep you and our child safe ! I'm doing his for you" He answered .

"Stay with me" she grasped his hair in her small hands "stay with me and we can raise our child ... You can see your child born"

"Rey don't you see ?" His hands that were on her waist cupped her closer "I'm doing this all for you ... I'm bringing the galaxy to order and stopping those lairs at the Resistance!" He then used his hand to grab her left one with the scar . "And then you and I can rule the Galaxy... And make things the way they should be !"

"Ben " she managed to say , her eyes on the brim of tears. "You're going to kill your mother ? The woman who cried over because you thought she was dead ?" One tear then fell "you've changed ... You're no longer Ben"

"I don't want to hear anymore about my mother !" He yelled "she turned against me , my whole family turned against me !" He was full of rage .

"I don't know you anymore" she looked down at her hand that was being held by his and pulled her hand away. She backed up to be a few feet behind him now .

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