Chapter Five- A Forced Dream

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Leia saw the ship land and ran as fast as her aging bones would let her. She saw Finn come down with a bag and then Poe helped Rey.

"Rey!" Leia happily screamed and quickly wrapped her arms around the tall, thin girl . "Oh how I've missed you dear" Leia ran her hands along the long hair Rey now had.

"I've missed you too Leia" Rey squeezed her back.

"Is it true ? What's Luke said ... That's you're with ... With child ?" Leia asked her stumbling to find her words.

Rey nodded at the older grey haired woman . "And ... And it- it's- it's Ben's ?" Leia asked with pleading eyes.

"It's Ben's " Rey told her "it's his child"

"Oh Rey" Leia hugged her once again and choked back tears. "A baby.... His baby... My grand baby?" She asked.

"Yes, your grandchild Leia" Rey gripped Leia's hand and placed it on her small stomach .

"How far along are you?"

"Only two months.... But I've been away from your for almost six" Rey then hugged her again.

"Oh ... You've changed so much ... So much ..." Leia cupped Rey's face . "Your hair is so much longer, it's well past your waist , and your face is much more pale... And your hands are so much softer ... And I feel like you've grown a womanly shape..." She said .

"I am pregnant " Rey smiled .

"Come , let's get you some food dear" Leia grabbed her hand and brought her inside .


"How is he ?" Leia asked as she helped Rey unpack her bag.

"How's who?" Rey asked her as she put the socks in her drawer.

"Ben... How is he?" Leia sat down on the bed.

"I don't know .... He told me that he never wants to love anyone so we agreed not to... But I think that was Kylo speaking not Ben .... And well... He promised me that this baby would be raised in the light , but he lied" Rey sighed and looked down.

"I'm sorry dear...." Leia then rubbed her shoulder softly . "We can talk about this another time ... I'll let you settle and then I'll see you in the morning " she kissed Rey's cheek in a motherly way and then closed her door.

Rey sighed and then pressed her hand against her flat stomach , "I know ... I miss him too" she whispered to the small child growing in her.

Rey laid down on the bed and closed her eyes . She began to drift off to sleep.

"Where are you!" She turned around and found herself in a metal room. Kylo Ren was there , mask and all.

"Ky-" she said began and then he cut her off.

"I asked where are you ? Tell me now damnit !" He yelled.

"Calm down ... " she said and pressed her hand on his shoulder.

"Rey now " he said darkly.

"I can't ..." She shook her head.

"I haven't gotten time for your silly childish games I want to know where you are now!" He screamed.

"Somewhere were you'll never find me" she mocked him.

"Tell me now !"

"Is this a dream?" She asked looking at the walls with a dark metal on them.

"It's a force bond... Listen , I'm not going to hurt you but I will hurt the resistance if you don't tell me where you are .... Now Rey !"

"How can I trust that you won't hurt me? You've done it before what's means that you'll change ?"

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