Chapter Eleven- Promise Me

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She laid in a bed all alone , she was ready to push . "Reyhanne -" Hux said coming into her room.

"Rey ... Just Rey" she grunted through the pain.

"Rey, they said it's time" he said . Tears and sweat streamed down her face .

"Breath and push" the droid said . She grunted through pain , too much pain . "Male" the droid said and handed it to Hux .

"It's a boy Rey" he said bringing the baby to her.

"Push ... Breathe ... Push" the droid said and then she pushed again . "Male" it said .

Hux had put the first baby in the crib near by then grabbed the boy  to show Rey.

"Breathe ... Push... Breathe" the droid repeated . Then another push and the baby came out "Female" he said and handed the baby to Hux .


She was laying in bed by herself , the babies near by . Hux and the other generals where there , all cooing over the three new babies .

"May I see them?" She asked Hux . He nodded and brought the boy the was born first to her.

He had blue eyes and dark black hair , "he was the first?" She asked and Hux nodded . "He's beautiful" she smiled .

"What's his name Miss Rey?" General Mendel asked .

She thought for a moment . "Benjamin Orion" she said naming the child for both Ben and her grandfather who had died . "Bring them all to me" she called .

The generals brought the two other babies to her. A little girl with brown hair and hazel eyes like she . "Estella... Estella Padmè" she smiled at her daughter .

"And your boy ?" General Burr asked .

"Lucas Anakin" she grinned at her baby with Raven hair and hazel eyes .

The generals left her with the three children . "You're so beautiful" she looked at her babies . "I never wanted one of you ... But now that you're here ..." Her eyes began to fill up with tears . "Now I can't let you go" she saw them all looking up at her with bright eyes .

"There's three of you , my Benny, my Luke and my Stella..." She blinked away her tears "I love you all so much" she cooded at the babies .


'Ben ?'

"Who's there ?" He asked looking around his private quarters .

'You're pull to the light'

"I have no light" he yelled seeing that there was no one there.

'Anakin ... Anakin Skywalker-'

"Darth Vader?" He asked

'Anakin ... I was born Anakin and I died Anakin ... Go back '

"Go back ? What ?"

'Go to your wife ... I didn't go to mine ... The last time I saw my wife she said I broke her heart and I strangled her ... Just as you did ... She died during childbirth, she had lost the will to live'

"Why ? Why should I go back to her ? While I've been gone she's been with Hux -"

'That's a lie ! A huge lie and you know it ... She loves you ! You nerf herder ! She wants you and she wants you to see your child! '

"She doesn't love me -"

'If she didn't love you why did she try and get you to stay ? Not for your hand but because she loves you and wants you to be with her on this special day !'

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