Chapter Nine- The Moonlight

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She woke up to him standing across the room, he was harshly tapping at his data pad.

She yawned and rubbed her tired eyes. She had horrible pain in her back, the couch was not somewhere she should have slept.

Maybe she should have just taken off her clothes for him so she could sleep comfortably later on the bed.

"You're up" he said closing his datapad.

"I am" she nodded, she felt a horrible gurgling in her stomach and she ran across the room to deposit her stomach.

She felt someone hold her hair back , and pat her back tenderly. She stopped and then looked up to see him there for her.

She flushed the toilet then stood up , he released her hair then she walked to the sink to wash out her mouth.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked her.

"I'm fine... Morning sickness... That's all" she told him.

"Do you need something to eat or drink dear?" He asked her.

"No, I'm alright" she said and walked out , he followed her like a puppy dog into his bedroom. She was happy to see that all her clothing was there.

"I'm want to ask for your forgiveness for last night... I had no right to throw you on to the bed last night" he said softly as she looked through her wardrobe.

"Thank you" she turned to face him "I accept your apology..." She sat down on the bed next to him and began to run her fingers through his hair.

"You've grown" he said looking at her bump.

"I have ... We have" she told him .

"Have you found out if it's a boy or a girl?" He asked her.

"I was suppose to at the Resistance base until you started to scare me" she told him.

"Rey" he sighed "I need you with me ... To keep you safe from the First Order... It's better for you to be here than with the Resistance"

"Kylo... Don't you see ... No matter what I will always have to run... The Resistance will come here and find me ... The first Order will find me ... We can never be safe , this baby and me-"

"With me you can" he then kissed her cheek. "We'll be getting married tonight"

"Tonight?" She asked .

"Yes ... You and me ... That's all we need -"

"What about your mother ? And Luke ? And Finn and Poe and -"

"They're not welcome" he replied Coldly.


She wore a dark white dress , with long white sleeves and a black belt that then trailed to her knees. Her hair was done in tight curls much like Padme's from the photos she had seen.

Kylo came out , he wore dark clothing as usual and his helmet wasn't visible . He didn't have his gloves on .

She walked over to him , they stood on a balcony , with the moon shinning through the ledge .

"Reyhanne Kenobi , give me your hand" he said . She handed her hand to him and he grasped it. He took a knife he had and held it to her hand . "This will hurt a little" he said softly then made a cut going from the end of her pink to her thumb's end .

She winched when the blade cut through her skin. He then did the same to his left hand . She saw his blood as well as hers.

"Give me your hand again Reyhanne" he said and she put her hand to his.

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