Keep your Enemies Closer

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"Ma, I'm home." I shouted through the house.

She had to leave for her night shift, when I came home late she would be off to work.

"Ssh boy, do you know what time it is." She popped me on my ear.

Grabbing my ear, rubbing it reduced the pain.

"Your little sister is a sleep, anyways I'm leaving now for work, no girls Xavier I'm not playing with you. I'm not trying to be a grandmother at the age of 45." She placed her hand on her hips.

"I'm forgetting something--oh yeah, I'm hosting a little gathering for your father return from his business trip, so maybe you can invite one or two of your friends, hey maybe even Adriana." She nudged me and smile.

"I thought you said no girls." I scrunched my face.

"I meant to say no hoes." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Why Adriana?" Wondering why my mother wanted her to come.

"I don't Kayla enjoys her company, I like her and by the looks of it you most definitely have a thing for her." She smiled while crossing her arms.

"No I don't!" I whined.

"Mmmh" She said not convinced as she grabbed her keys and purse.

"I'll be back, oh another thing, Adriana going to babysit Kayla tomorrow, I have to run some errands. No fooling around X." She walked out the door and closed it.

Just my luck...


"Ma I'm off to Mrs Jackie to babysit Kayla." I shouted making my way through the door.

"Okay hun, make sure to tell Xavier that he needs to pick up the extra chair from the store."

"Why?" I asked my mother.

"Oh, I didn't tell you about the bqq, my bad. Mrs Jackie's husband is returning back from his business trip so she wanted to surprise him."

"Oh." Nodding cussing in my head.

I said goodbye and headed across the street to Xavier's.

Ringing the doorbell, I waited.

The door finally swung open, revealing little Kayla.

"Hey boo!" She jumped in my arms and hugged me dearly.

"Where's your brother, and why are you answering the door." I tickled her she giggled.

"Zay, sleeping on the couch." She pointed towards the living room.

I stepped in the house closing the door. Walking to the living seeing him sprawled out on the couch.

Shaking my head, turning my attention back to Kayla and smiled.

She rubbed her stomach and groaned.

"You hungry, love?" I smiled propping my hands my hips.

She yawned and nodded her head.


"Pancakes pancakes pancakes, pleawsee." She pouted jumping up and down.

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