Attic feels sneak peek

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Hey guys,  school has been killing, but the holiday break is coming up so many more updates to come!!!!!

Here's a little sumin


-xoxo dee.


Finally reaching the top of the stairs, awaited Xavier, he seemed pretty livid.

Opening the door by pulling on the string, the ladder ascended.

Xavier proceeded up the stairs and I quickly followed behind.

He closed then quickly closed back the ladders.

I look around, it was decent size attic. Boxes and bookshelf leaned on the wall with old toy trucks and books on the floor, it smelt old.

Xavier dig in the boxes trying to find the cups, looking a little too calm after the little altercation.

Biting my lips, deciding on helping Xavier I move swiftly over to his side.

"Can I help?" I rolled my eyes, seeking his response.

"Yeah, just look anywhere." He said looking at an old picture.


I walked to the other side of boxes and began search for the cups, when I came across an old photo album. I opened it up only shocking enough to find pictures of  Xavier and I when we were toddlers eating ice cream on a bench holding hands. I never really remember that period time when I was younger.

Flipping the page, I was startled by a loud crash.

The boxes had fallen over with Xavier underneath them.

I tried to contain my laughter, but I quickly stop noticing he wasn't getting up.

"Xavier?" I called, walking over.

I pulled the the boxes and books that fell on top of him.

"Xavier, get up!" I shook him.

Turning him over he had a cut on his left cheek.

Shaking him harder, his eyes stared to slightly open up.

"Are you okay?" I said some what worried.

He sat up and sighed dusting him self off, he felt his cheek, kissing his teeth.

"Yeah, I'm fine stop bugging." He fanned me off.

"Excuse you." I got up rolling my eyes.

I pulled on the latch to go back downstairs, forgetting about the glass, but it wouldn't open.

I pulled harder, it wasn't opening, shit.

"No, no, no, why isn't not opening........."

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