Chapter 9

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~~~ Chloe's P.O.V. ~~~

I woke up the next morning feeling terrible. I miss Niall so much. But he hurt me and I can't be sad because of him.

He never cared about me. Why should I care about him?

I went downstairs to look for Sophie, but all I found was a note.

I picked it up and read it.

It said:

I've gone out with Mackenzie and Josh. We are going to a movie and then to the mall. I will be home tonight.

I put the note down and went upstairs.

Since Sophie would be gone all day, I would have nothing to do. So, I decided to text my guy best friend, Louis and see if he wants to come over.

"Hey. Do you want to come over? I'm at Sophie's house and she left." He responded a few seconds later saying "Sure. Be there in a few."

I walked back downstairs again and waited for Louis.

I had been crying all night and a little this morning, so I'm sure that I looked terrible.

A few minutes later, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

I got up to answer it, but when I saw who it was, I was immediately overcome by anger.

"Gabe, what are you doing here?" I asked annoyed.

"Well,I saw you and Niall broke up last night and I thought now is my chance. I can finally make you mine." He said while smirking.

I hate when he does that.

He stepped closer, but I kept backing away.

"No! Get away from me!" I yelled.

Eventually, I hit the couch and I was cornered by him.

"No! Please! Leave me alone!" I practically begged. I was crying again now.

He started to take off his shirt and he came even closer.

Right as he was about to kiss me, the door flew opened and I saw Louis standing there.

"Louis! Help!" I yelled.

He ran over and grabbed Gabe by the arm, and threw him against the wall.

"Get out of here!" Louis yelled.

Gabe finally left and Louis closed the door.

He saw that I was crying, and he put his keys down and came over to me.

"Hey it's ok. What's wrong? Why are you still crying?" He asked while hugging me.

I told him about what happened with me and Niall last night, and his face fell with sadness.

"Oh. It will be ok Chloe. Don't worry."

"No it won't Louis. I can't live without him. I miss him so much. He always made me happy, and now without him I'm nothing. Not having him here makes me just want to kill myself."

~~~ Louis' P.O.V. ~~~

After she said that, she ran to the bathroom.

I tried to grab her arm to stop her, but she was too fast.

She went inside and locked the door.

Oh no. She's going to hurt herself.

I ran up to the bathroom door and pounded on it.

"Chloe open the door! Let me in!"

"No! Leave me alone Louis!"

I ran to my car and quickly drove to Niall's house.

I can't let this happen. She's my best girl friend and Niall Would be devastated. I would be too.

I can't let her do this.

I pounded on Niall's door saying "Niall open the door! Hurry!" A minute later, he answered.

"Niall quick! You have to come to Sophie's house!"

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Chloe is there and she's trying to hurt herself. She locked herself in the bathroom and she won't let me in. Niall you have to come help me get her out of there!"

Extra Note:

Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter!

Tell me what you think!

And btw i am not suggesting anything with this chapter. DO NOT HARM YOURSELVES IN ANY WAY! You are all amazing. Never even think about it.

Love you guys! ~L

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