Chapter 21

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~~~ Chloe's P.O.V. ~~~

Two days later I finally got to go home.

The doctors kept me in the hospital to make sure that everything was alright. They ran a few tests on me and occasionally they would check my wound to see how it was healing.

We told Louis and Liam to not tell Harry and Sophie that I was having a baby. We wanted to wait until we got home so that we could tell them ourselves.

Niall said that they all would be at Sophie's house waiting for us.

Harry, Louis, and Liam were still staying at Sophie's house with us so that they could watch out for Sophie while I was in the hospital.

I think Harry liked Sophie. He always tried to be around her, and he would help her with anything and everything. He would smile everytime someone mentioned her name.

He seemed sad when I told him that she already had a boyfriend.

He had come up to me one night and asked me questions about her like what her favorite color was, her favorite restaurant, everything.

I told him she had a boyfriend, and the rest of the night he just stayed in his room. He wouldn't even come out for dinner.

We pulled in the driveway, and Niall helped me get out of his car since my stomach was still a little sore.

He walled me up to the porch and unlocked the door.

We walked inside, but I didn't see anyone there.

"Niall, you said they would all be here."

"That's what Louis said in the text."

"I guess they..."

"Welcome home!" Everyone shouted as they jumped out from behind the couches.

"Thank you! You scared me!" I said with a laugh.

After I finished hugging all of them, I looked up at Niall and he smiled.

He took my hand in his and I smiled at our intertwined fingers.

"Ok. Now that everybody is here, Niall and I have something we want to tell you."

I Looked up at Niall and told him to continue. Everyone was staring at us waiting for the news.

"Chloe is pregnant. She's having a baby."

Everyone's faces lit up and they all screamed and cheered in excitement.

"Congratulations!" Harry said.

"Louis and Liam already knew that we were having a baby, but there's something else we didn't tell them." I said looking down.

"It's not my baby. It was Taylors." Niall finished for me.

"What?" Sophie asked.

"He abused me and got me pregnant. When I told him, he got upset and punched me in the stomach. I
t-thought the baby h-had died." I started to get choked up, but Niall squeezed my hand for reassurance.

I looked back up and finished. "But it turns out it's still alive."

"I'm so sorry Chloe, but that's great that it's still alive." Louis said and gave me a hug.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Liam asked.

"We don't know yet, but we will find out in a couple weeks at the ultrasound." I said.

"I can't wait to find out." Sophie said in excitement.

I laughed and we all sat on the couches and talked.

It made me happy to know that my child would have so many people who loved it.

Extra Note:

Hi guys!

What do you think baby Horan will be? A boy or a girl?

Comment what you think!

I am doing a double update since I didn't update yesterday, so next chapter will be up soon!

Love you guys! ~L

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