Chapter 26

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~~~ Chloe's P.O.V. ~~~

I couldn't believe what just happened.

Niall just proposed to me. And I said yes.

I'm getting married.

Oh my god I'm getting married!

Reality hit me, and I was so excited.

I was so happy that Niall did want me and this baby, and that we would be together forever.

~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

I can't believe she said yes.

I don't deserve someone who is as beautiful and innocent and amazing as Chloe.

But I'm so happy that she's mine, forever.

1 month later

~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

It was now the middle of December, and the baby was due at anytime now.

I was so nervous.

All I kept thinking about was what if something goes wrong and it affects both Chloe and the baby?

But I just kept telling myself that that wasn't going to happen.

Everything was going to be ok.

They baby would come out healthy, and Chloe would be unaffected and alright.

December 24th 2016

~~~ Chloe's P.O.V. ~~~

Today was Louis' birthday. He is turning 25.

When I woke up, all of us (Harry, Sophia, Liam, Niall and I) got dressed.

We were all still living together since Taylor still hasn't been caught by the cops yet.

We were all going to surprise Louis by taking him to his favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse.

When Niall and I finished getting dressed, we walked downstairs hand in hand and met up with the rest of the group.

After a few minutes, Louis came downstairs.

"Happy Birthday Louis!" We all shouted.

He smiled and gave us all a hug.

When he finally came to me, he pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear.

"Thank you Chloe. I love you." (Not like that.) He said.

"Aw you're welcome Louis. I love you too."

He smiled at me before Niall came up to us.

"Hey don't get to close to her Louis." Niall said with a little bit of a serious look.

"Don't worry baby. It's alright." I told him while giving him a reassuring look.

"Woah Niall. Don't worry. I'm not going to try anything with her. She's my best friend, but she's your fiancé." Louis said.

"Ok Louis. Come on. We're taking you to Texas Roadhouse." Liam said.

"Oh my gosh? Seriously?" He asked.

"Yes. Now let's go." I said while pushing him ahead along with everybody else.

Once we ordered our food, we all ate while laughing and celebrating Louis' birthday.

In the middle of the meal, I felt something burst and then I felt something wet all over me.

"Uh oh." I thought.

Niall must have seen the look on my face, because he got worried too.

"Babe are you alright?" He asked while taking my hand.

"Um m-my water just b-broke. I'm going into l-labor." I said in a quiet tone so that only my friends could here me.

"Ok. Everybody, stay calm, we have to get Chloe to the hospital now." Niall said.

"Harry, Louis, and Liam, help me carry her out to the car. Sophie, could you grab our jackets please?"

"Sure Niall. I got it. Just go get Chloe to the car." She said.

"Ok boys. On three we'll lift her up. Ready. One. Two. Three!"

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted into the air.

They brought me to the car, carefully helped me get in, and them the rest followed. Niall sat next to me in the back seat, along with Louis and Liam. Sophie sat in front, and Harry was driving.

Once we got to the hospital, Liam ram inside and got a bunch of doctors to come out and help me.

They brought me inside in a wheel chair, and then immediately put me on a bed in one of the rooms.

Everybody left except for Niall. He stayed with me.

He held my hand the entire time, and he helped me breath.

When it was time to push, I was yelling and the doctors and Niall were trying to calm me down.

I was in so much pain.

"It's ok Chloe. It's alright. Look! I can see it's head!" Niall said.

After a good ten minutes, we were finally done and they were cleaning the baby.

They brought her back into the room, and handed her to me.

Niall and I both smiled, and we were both crying.

After a few minutes of me holding her, I let Niall have a turn.

"Hi Briella." He said. "I love you. You are so beautiful, just like your mama."

I laughed as he talked to our baby daughter.

"I can't believe we're parents." I said in amazement.

"Yeah. Thank you Chloe for letting me take care of this child with you and for letting me help you raise her." He said.

"Thank you Niall for wanting to help me raise her." I said.

"I love you."

"I love you more princess." He said and he leaned over to give me a kiss.

We let the rest of the group come in, and Louis' face lit up as soon as he saw Briella.

"Oh my gosh! It's my birthday twin!" He said in excitement.

We all sang happy birthday to Louis and Briella, and marveled over Niall's and my newest edition.

Extra Note:

Hey guys!

This was the last chapter. I hope you all like it!

Comment what you think!

Also, let me know if you want a sequel to this one, or a different one.

I'm not sure when the next one will be up, but it will be soon.

Thank for your guy's support through this entire story.

Love you guys! ~L

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