Chapter 22

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~~~ Chloe's P.O.V. ~~~

A couple weeks passed by really quickly, and soon it was the day of the ultrasound.

I was so excited to go, but at the same time, I was nervous.

I was scared that something wouldn't be right or that they wouldn't see a baby in there.

I wouldn't let Niall come with, because I was going to have a gender reveal party so that everyone would find out together.

The only person I let come with me was Sophie.

She drove me to the hospital, and we checked in at the front desk.

"Ok. Thank you. Have a seat and the dr will be with you shortly." The lady behind the desk said.

"Thank you." I said and Sophie and I sat down in the waiting room.

After about ten minutes, the dr came and called us back.

"Hello. How are you today?" She asked me.

"I'm pretty good." I said with a smile.

"I'm going to put this gel on your stomach and I will use this to display the baby on that screen." She said while pointing to the monitor next to me.

She rubbed the gel around my belly, and I turned my head so I was looking at the monitor.

After a minute, I saw something on the screen.

"There she is." The dr said.

"It's a girl! I said filled with happiness.

"That's awesome! I'm going to have a niece!" Sophie said.

"Wow. That's amazing." I said as tears of joy formed in my eyes.

"She looks very healthy." The dr said.

"I'm so glad she's healthy." I said and smiled.

"Alright miss. Here are the pictures from today's ultrasound. I hope you have a good rest of your day." She told me.

"Thank you." I said and Sophie and I walked out.

We got in her car and drove home.

I walked in and everyone crowded around me, all of them asking thousands of questions.

"How did it go?" "Is it a boy or a girl?" "When is the due date?" "Is it healthy?"

"Woah woah woah! Everybody calm down!" I said.

Niall walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"He babe. How was it?"

"It went very well. The dr said the baby is very healthy and it's supposed to be due in December." I said.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Niall asked sounding excited.

"I can't tell you yet. I'm going to have a gender reveal party tomorrow to let everyone know."

"Aw come on babe! Just tell me what it is!" Niall begged.

"Not yet Niall. You will find out tomorrow." I said.

He pouted, but finally agreed.

Soon, it got late, and we all went to bed.

"Goodnight Niall." I said.

"Goodnight love." He said and gave me a kiss.

In the middle of the night, I had a terrible dream.

I dreamt that the baby died.

"Niall, it's time to go for the ultrasound!" I said.

We went to the hospital, and as soon as we got there, everything around me was spinning.

I started bleeding.

"Niall, what's happening?" I said starting to panic.

"I don't know baby. Hold on. Somebody get the dr over here! She's bleeding! Please hurry!"  Niall shouted.

Within seconds the dr and some nurses came rushing over to us and they carried me to a bed.

"What's happening?" I asked even more worried now.

All of them were whispering, until finally, the dr turned and faced me and Niall.

"Um ma'am, there's no easy way to say this. But, you're having a miscarriage." She said.

"What? No! I can't be! Please! You have to help me!" I screamed as I started crying. 

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.

"No!" I yelled as I sat up in bed. I was sweating and my heart was racing.

"Chloe! What happened?!" Niall quickly sat up and looked at me.

"I had a dream, no. A nightmare, that I miscarried." I said.

I started crying, and Niall hugged me and held me close.

"It's ok princess. It was just a dream. The baby is fine, and everything will be ok." He said while wiping my tears away.

He hugged me again, and gave me a kiss goodnight.

We layed back down, but I didn't sleep at all.

I couldn't after what happened.

Extra Note:

Hi guys!

Here's the next part! I hope you like it!

Comment some baby name ideas.

Love you guys! ~L

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