Chapter 17

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~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

"I swear if you ever touch her again..."

I was standing right in front of him about to strangle him, but the next thing I new, there was a big black barrel pointing at me.

He was pointing a gun at me.

I stopped talking and I froze. I didn't know what to do.

I was scared because there was a gun pointing at my forehead, but I was also glad that it's me and not Chloe.

"I wouldn't come any closer if I was you." Gabe told me.

I had never been in a situation like this. I had only seen these kinds of things in movies.

After a minute of silence, I heard footsteps coming up behind me.

Then someone started talking. It was Chloe. I was hearing Chloe's sweet, angelic voice.

I could only hope that this wouldn't be the last time I would hear it.

"Niall? What are you do-" She started to say, but then she stopped once she saw the gun pointed at me.

"Oh my god, Niall!" She started running towards me, but then someone came out from the bushes and grabbed her.

She screamed and once she realized who it was, she started crying.

I hated to see her cry. It broke my heart to know that she was sad.

"Taylor! Stop! Don't do this!" She begged him to let her go, but instead he put her hands behind her back and spun her around so that her back was facing him.

"I told you I was going to get you back. But since your little boyfriend didn't want to cooperate and he didn't stay at home, this is his punishment."

He started to kiss her all along the side of her neck and her cheek.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and continued to torture me and her by doing this.

I would have immediately stopped him, but if I moved I would be shot right there.

It broke my heart to know that somebody else was kissing my girlfriend. That somebody else was all over her and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

Chloe was crying the entire time. Saying stuff like "No" and "Please stop."

Then, Taylor walked in front of her so they were now facing each other.

He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. And he wasn't being gentle either. He was trying to make out with her.

I couldn't bear to watch. I just looked down at my shoes.

I could tell that Chloe was crying even harder now, and by this point, I was crying too.

Gabe saw that I wasn't watching, and he yelled at me.

"Hey! Watch! This is your punishment!" He said while lifting my head back up to watch them.

I wasn't mad at Chloe, because I knew that she didn't want this, and I could see that she wasn't kissing him back.

Taylor noticed too. And he did NOT like that.

"Kiss me back you little $#&@!" He screamed.

"No! I have a boyfriend! I'm not going to kiss you back!"

After she said that, he got furious. He swung his hand up and slapped her across her face.

She fell on the ground and just sat there and held her cheek in pain while crying.

Extra Note:

Hello guys!

Here's chapter 17. I'm sorry that it's a little short. But if I get 300+ reads today, I will do a double update.

I hope you like it. Comment what you think!

Love you guys! ~L

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