Chapter 12

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~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

I got in Liam's car, and we drove to the game.

I was happy that Louis and Liam were doing this for me, but I was still so worried about Chloe.

What if something happens to her while I'm gone?

I can't lose her. I can't. If something were to happen while I was gone, I would never be able to forgive myself.

But Louis is there with her. And I know he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

I'm still worried, but knowing that Louis is there makes me feel a little better.

I must have been deep in thought, because I didn't even notice that Liam was trying to talk to me.

"Hey mate. You ok?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." I lied.

"Look Niall. I know you're worried about Chloe, but don't worry. Louis is with her. She will be ok." "Thanks Liam." I said with a small smile.

"We're here. Now let's go inside and enjoy the game. Ok?" "Ok."

We went inside and got some snacks and drinks. Then we found our seats and watched the game while we ate.

It was a good game. I had fun.

~~~ Chloe's P.O.V. ~~~

Niall and Liam left a little while ago to go to a soccer game.

Louis is staying here with me until Niall gets back.

Niall doesn't want me to be alone because he is scared that I will hurt myself again.

I keep trying to tell him that I won't, but he still doesn't think I should be alone.

I won't do it again. I only did that because we broke up, and I didn't know what to do without him.

But it won't happen again.

Soon, Sophie came home.

"Hello." She said. "Hello." I said back.

"Louis, Sophie is here now. You can go home if you want." I told Louis.

"Sorry Chloe. But I can't. I told Niall that I would stay here with you until he got back." "Louis, you know that's not going to happen again." " I know Chloe." He said with a sigh. "But I promised I'd stay, and I don't want Niall to be mad." "Don't worry. I will talk to him. Go home."

He sighed again. "Ok. Bye Chloe. And Sophie, watch her." He said and walked out.

Extra Note:

Hi guys!

Here's chapter 12. Comment what you think.

I know it's really bad. I'm sorry.

Love you guys! ~L

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