Chapter 19

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~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

Louis and Liam rode with me and Chloe in the ambulance.

We rushed to the hospital as quick as we could.

Chloe was loosing a lot of blood. It scared me a lot.

What if she bleed out and died? What if the bullet hit her heart or something else inside of her?

No Niall. Stop thinking like that. That's not going to happen.

In about 15 minutes we were at the hospital and the doctors were dragging Chloe into the emergency room on a stretcher.

They were all yelling stuff like "We need to get her into the OR now!" or "Put the oxygen mask on her!" And all sorts of crazy doctor terms.

Louis, Liam, and I followed them into the OR to see what they were doing.

They hooked her up to all of these wires and crazy monitors.

They pulled out all of their tools and masks that they would need.

"Excuse me, but what are you going to do to her?" I asked one of the nurses.

She started explaining to me that they were going to remove the bullet from her, but halfway through, I felt like something wasn't right.

Something didn't sound right.

I figured out what it was.

It was Chloe's monitor. She was flat lining.

I started going insane.

All of the doctors were scrambling around to try and keep her alive.

I was yelling and crying at the same time.


The nurse was yelling at me to calm down.

"Sir! I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"No! I'm not going anywhere!"

We continued yelling at each other until Louis and Liam ran up to me to stop me.

"Niall! Stop it! It's going to be alright. Now we have to go. Come on." Louis said with his hands on my shoulders.

Liam held the door open and we all walked out into the waiting room.

I started crying so hard and Liam came up to me and hugged me.

I just cried and cried onto his shoulder.

I didn't know what to do.

We sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours, until finally a doctor came out.

I jumped up as soon as I saw him.

"How is she doing doctor?" I asked extremely worried.

"Chloe is doing fine. There were some complications during the surgery, but we fixed them and she is doing fine now. They are just going to close her up and bring her to a room."

"Oh thank you. Thank you thank you."

"You're welcome. And Mr. Horan? I have some other news for you."

"W-what is it doc?" I asked getting nervous again.

"It seems that Chloe is pregnant. Congratulations."

"Oh my god. Are you serious?! But wait, did the baby get hit by the bullet or anything?"

"No sir. The bullet had just missed the baby. It's perfectly fine and healthy."

"Ok. T-thank you doctor." I said.

They doctor left and I turned and faced Louis and Liam.

I was in so much shock, but I was so happy. I was going to be a dad!

Both of the boys ran up to me and started cheering and celebrating.

"Congratulations Niall!" Liam said.

"Yeah congrats man! The boys can swim." Louis said causing all three of us to laugh.

After a few minutes the doctors came our with Chloe, and we followed them to her room.

Once she was in there and settled, I walked in and sat next to her on the bed.

I held her hand and kissed her forehead while whispering to her.

"I love you Chloe."

Extra Note:

Oh my gosh Chloe is pregnant!

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And thank you for so many reads. Over 320! That's crazy!

Love you guys! ~L

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