Chapter 24

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~~~ Chloe's P.O.V. ~~~

It was getting closer and closer to the baby's due date, and I was definitely ready for this baby to come out.

I was so exhausted from all the kicking and the headaches and the morning sickness.

We found out that the baby was due sometime in December, and when we told Louis, he was so excited.

He jumped all around and said "She could be born on my birthday! We could be birthday twins!"

I just laughed at his reaction.

He was always the childish one, especially when he got excited about something.

It was November, and the baby would be due next month.

I felt bad for Niall and all of my friends because they had to deal with all my mood swings.

But through all of it, they were always there for me. Especially Niall.

He was always there with an aspirin and a bottle of water for my headaches, he would hold my hair back for me when I got sick, (kinda gross but it's the thought that counts) he would always cuddle with me when I was tired, and he would do anything and everything he could to help me.

He was so sweet and caring.

I knew that he was going to be an amazing father.

That night, while I was laying in down bed, I overheard Niall and Harry talking in the living room.

~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

"Man, why are you doing this?" Harry asked me.

"Doing what?" I asked confused.

"Trying to become this baby's father. I mean, you're doing all this work, but for what? She's not even you're kid. Why do you want to support her if she's not you're child?"

"You know what? You're right. She's not mine and I shouldn't be doing this. But..."

Just then Chloe came running out of the room crying.

"Hey Chloe. What's wrong?" I asked running up to her.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the fact that you lied to me! You said you wanted to help me raise this child! But it's obvious you don't!" She yelled.

"What? Chloe no. You don't understand. Just let me explain." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" She said as she pushed me away.

It hurt me to see her push me away like that.

"Chloe listen! You don't understand!" I said trying to explain what happened.

"No Niall. I understand just fine. You don't want me or this baby. You don't want to take care of her and you never did. So I think I should just go. It only seems right considering you don't want us here." She said and started walking out.

"No Chloe! Please wait!" I tried to stop her but she just pushed me away.

I followed her outside, trying to catch up to her, but I lost her after she turned a corner.

I just stood there. I didn't know what to do.

"Hey man. It's all right." Louis said as he ran up to me. He was in the other room when Chloe and I were arguing.

"No it's not Louis! You don't understand!" I yelled.

"That's all I wanted was to take care of the baby with Chloe! I've never wanted anything more! I meant it when I told her I would always be there for her and the baby. I never got to finish. I never finished saying what I was going to say."

"What do you mean?" Louis asked.

"I was talking to Harry. He was telling me I shouldn't be doing this. Taking care of a baby that's not even mine. And I told him he's right. I shouldn't be. But I am because I love Chloe, and she has been through so much. Taylor would never be there for the baby. She would need a fatherly figure. And even though she's not mine, I would take care of her and treat her like she was mine. But now I can't because Chloe's gone."

"Aw don't worry Nialler. We'll figure something out." Louis said trying to cheer me up.

"No we won't. She's gone. I'll never get to raise the child with the woman I love and I'll never get to finish saying what I was going to say." I said crying now.

Louis just looked at me sympathetically and we talked back to the house.

Extra Note:

Hi guys!

I'm sorry for not updating yesterday.

I hope you like this chapter!

Btw guys, I'm probably going to be ending this real soon because I start school next week and I've been really busy with preparing for school.

But good news. I've got more imagines that I'm going to write. So don't worry.

Love you guys! ~L

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