Chapter 11

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~~~ Louis' P.O.V. ~~~

After Niall and I finished hugging Chloe, Sophie came home.

She must have seem our faces, because she looked worried.

"What happened?" She asked concerned. "Nothing. Don't worry." Chloe answered her.

I just looked at her. I am so glad Niall stopped her. I don't know what I would have done if something happened to her.

"Well, I'm going to go now. Bye. See you guys soon." I said.

They all said bye, and I left.

~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

Once Louis left, it was just Chloe, Sophie, and I.

We all stood there in silence, and I looked up at Chloe because she started talking to me.

"Well Niall, I'm sorry for bothering you. You can go home now if you want." She said.

"I'm not going anywhere Chloe." "But Niall, I don't want to keep you here." "Chloe, I'm not leaving. Not after that. I won't leave without you. You can stay with me at my house, or I'm staying here with you. Sophie, is it ok if I stay?"  I asked her because it's her house. "Yeah. No problem." She said.

"Fine." Chloe said.

The next three days, I stayed with Chloe at Sophie's house.

I kept my eye on Chloe. I didn't want her to hurt herself.

I stayed really close to her, and whenever she got up, I would ask her where she was going.

I know it was probably annoying, but I had to make sure she didn't do anything.

Later that day, Sophie went out with her boyfriend, and Louis came over.

"Hey guys." He said to Chloe and I. "Hi." She responded back with a smile.

"Niall can I talk to you in the kitchen?" He asked me. "Um, yeah. Sure." I said and followed him to the kitchen.

I stood by the table so that I could still see Chloe.

"Niall, I talked to Liam. You guys are going to the soccer game today. I want you to go out and have some fun. You've been stressing over Chloe. You need a break to enjoy yourself."

"Louis, I can't. I have to make sure Chloe is alright." "Don't worry Niall. I will stay here with her.

"Louis, that sounds nice, but I just can't. Something might happen." "Niall, I'm her best friend. I won't let anything happen to her. I love her."

I tensed up when he said that. He noticed too.

"Not like that! I have Danielle. And I love her. I only like Chloe as a best friend. Believe me. I would never try anything with her. She's my best friend, and your girlfriend."

"Now, Liam should be here in a minute. Go have fun. And don't worry about Chloe. I will take care of her." He smiled at me and I looked at Chloe.

"Hey Chloe, I'm going to go with Liam to a soccer game, but Louis is going to stay here with you. Ok princess?" "Ok." She said.

"I love you baby. I'll be back soon." "I love you too Niall." I kissed her goodbye and walked out the door because I saw Liam's car there.

I really hope Chloe will be ok.

Extra Note:

Hi guys!

I am so sorry that it's taken me so long to update.

I know this chapter/story sucks. I'm a terrible writer. I'm sorry.

But comment and tell me what you think!

Love you guys! ~L

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