Chapter 18

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~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

I felt terrible. I just wanted to go sit next to Chloe and make sure she was ok.

I just wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her that everything would be alright.

But I couldn't. That's what was tearing me apart. I couldn't help my girlfriend when she needed me.

Taylor was extremely upset.

He kept yelling curse words at Chloe that I wouldn't dare to repeat.

"Gabe, give me the gun!" He yelled making Gabe hand him the gun he was holding.

~~~ Louis P.O.V. ~~~

When I woke up that morning, I went to get dressed, and I walked downstairs to see everyone in the living room except for Niall and Chloe.

"Hey guys. Where's Niall and Chloe?" I asked them.

"I don't know. I haven't seen them all morning." Sophie said.

"I'll go check to see if they're in their room." I said and walled back upstairs to Chloe and Niall's room.

"Chloe? Niall? Are you in there?" I asked while knocking on the door.

I got no answer.

"Chloe? Niall? Can I come in?" There was still no answer.

I opened the door and looked inside, to see that neither Chloe or Niall were there.

I rushed back downstairs to the others.

"Guys! They're not in their room. Where could they be?"

"Do you think they went out to meet Taylor?" Harry said.

"I hope not! Liam come with me! We have to go find them!" I said grabbing my phone and rushing out the door.

~~~ Niall's P.O.V. ~~~

Taylor got down on the ground next to Chloe while Gabe held me hostage.

He was pointing the gun at Chloe.

"Chloe, you are coming back with me. And I will make you pay for running away. And if you refuse, boom!"

He said making a motion with the gun that signalled he would shoot her.

I got really worried. My girlfriend was being threatened with a gun, and I was being held with my hands behind my back not able to move.

"No. I am not going back with you! Never!"

"Ok. If you say so."

Taylor raised the gun towards her and shot her in the stomach.

"CHLOE!" I yelled.

"Gabe let's go! Hurry run!" Taylor yelled as the both ran away.

I ran up next to Chloe who was just lying on the ground with blood all around her.

"Help! Someone please help!" I yelled trying to get someone to call an ambulance.

Just then, Louis and Liam came running down the sidewalk.

"Oh my god Chloe! What happened?!" Louis asked while rushing towards Chloe's side.

"She was shot. Taylor shot her." I said.

"Liam! Call 911! Hurry!" Louis yelled and Liam pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

I took my shirt off and placed it on Chloe's torso while applying pressure.

Chloe was starting to close her eyes, and her breathing was slowing down.

"Chloe! No stay awake. Stay with me baby." I said while lifting her up and resting her in my arms.

Within a minute I heard the sirens of the ambulance getting closer.

"You hear that Chloe? That's the ambulance. Help is coming. It's ok princess. Help is on the way."

I was crying so hard now.

The ambulance pulled up next to us and a bunch of paramedics rushed over to us.

Everything after that was a blur.

Paramedics working frantically to get Chloe to the hospital.

Everything seemed to be spinning around me.

Louis and Liam were both crying with worried looks on their faces.

The lights were flashing around me and the sirens were drowning out my thoughts.

I was trying to recall and understand everything that just happened.

My girlfriend was shot. And she was now being rushed to the hospital.

Extra Note:

Oh no! Chloe was shot!

What's going to happen?

Comment what you think!

Love you guys! ~L

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