Chapter thirty four - Boom-

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Chapter thirty four:

I stared at the ring in my palm and then looked up to stare at Roya’s house which seemed very much frightening at this moment.

I gulped down and stared at the door, I was scared of her refusal.

Blinking my eyes twice, I scolded myself; she wouldn’t refuse me she loved me!

I took two closer steps to the door and then had an idea and I felt my eyes glittering as I turned and walked away.


“Roya, I didn’t know you were home already” my father entered my room and smiled down at me.

I nodded and stretched my legs rubbing my calves in the process. He eyed me from under his lashes,

“So I guess I know why you’re in a bad mood” he admitted and clicked his tongue as I threw him a bewildered look.

“Abraham is leaving and you’re going to miss him and stuff like that” he continued and I felt heat creep up my cheeks so I lowered my head.

“Sweet heart it’s okay, I’m not here to give you the dreaded talk” he teased and I found my lips lifting slightly.

He reached for my knee and held it softly,” He will come back, and you should believe in that”

I raised my head and stared at him. It was new to me the fact that my father was actually giving me advice about love, especially my love life. And even though my feelings were mixed between elation and excitement; I still thought about what he was talking about. Abraham’s departure.

I had a feeling and that feeling wasn’t the soft butterfly kisses that we sometimes love, it was a dreaded fear of feeling I’m not going to see him again. I felt like I should stop them from leaving, something urged me to grab him and kiss him and force him not to go!

My father looked at me lovingly before walking out of the room and leaving me a wink just before he left.

I sighed and laid on my back closing my eyes and wishing I could fall asleep and wake up long after he’s gone!

Christ, my eyes watered and I slept there helpless feeling my tears gliding against my cheeks.

If he dies, I won’t die as well; but it will be so damn hard to live on knowing he’s not there any more.

My shaking hands tucked themselves neatly under the blanket and I slept in a fetal position before closing my eyes once again feeling like for once in a very long time, sleep was calling for me.

I wish I could have said I woke up to the chirping of birds and happy Christmas songs but I can’t.

My eyes widened in a frightening dimension as Natalie’s scream echoed around my room making me jump away from the bed and falling on my butt.

“Shit Lil’s!” I screamed getting out my anger at her and she seemed to get it because she smirked and stuck her tongue out at me.

“I know you must be sobering up from the Abraham addiction syndrome so I brought you a cute balloon!” Natalie cheered girlishly making me glare at her in annoyance.

She was too happy!

“I now know how you felt when you told me about Alex” I hissed in venom as I threw her a drop dead look. She glowed in innocence and then stuck her tongue out again before running out of the room and getting inside with a helium balloon.

I stared at the get well soon balloon and then threw Natalie and Dean who was now standing right beside her with his arm around her a dirty look.

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