Chapter Thirty seven - Me not being a killer-

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Chapter thirty seven:


He wore a sweatshirt; his hands were in his front pockets while his chin was held up high in defiance. I narrowed my eyes at his maneuver and I wished I’d punch the living daylights out of him.

“Abraham, I didn’t betray you,” he spoke with such conviction that I doubted for a minute that Liam was the one who betrayed me but the thought went away as fast as it came.

“I have proof, Steven,” I retorted waiting for what he was going to say next. If I were him, I am sure I would have had a dry throat and shaking hands.

My eyes moved to his fingers playing nervously with the hem of the jacket,

“I’ve been in this gang for over three years” he stated, his eyes turning redder with each second passing.

I clicked my tongue and shrugged,” trust is not with years, Steven. It’s with actions”

He glared at me, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Franc was next to me, his hands protectively around my forearm, I turned my head slightly to smile at my brother but he just gave me the gun.

I frowned,” we shouldn’t just kill him” I argued and Franc was ready with an answer,

“He betrayed you and who sells you out deserves to die”

I frowned, “no one deserves to die—“

He interrupted,” if you can kill him for punishment then you shall kill him”

I shook my head,” no, I won’t kill him. I know his family!”

Steven who was now crying silently nodded his head vigorously wishing Franc would stop pushing me to shoot him down.

I didn’t catch his eye because I used to trust him with all I had and now that he betrayed me just a week after Franc had given me his gang; I had to do something that would be an example for future threats because Franc’s departure tomorrow for Spain is leaving me naked.

My shaky hands took hold of the gun and I stared at Steven who had his face in his palms and his back was shaking with the loud sobs he was making.

“Okay, okay! I did it! I told them about our next mission!—“he bellowed suddenly, his tears streaming down his face in regret.

“I swear I wasn’t thinking! They just offered me a lot of money and my sister was sick and I just—“

I was softening to his words but Franc simply snickered,” spare us the pleadings.”

I blinked my eyes open at how cruel my brother seemed. His eyes were piercing through Steven’s skin and I felt my own skin crawling at how creepy he looked.

I bit my lip and looked at Steven who was now praying with tears falling down.

I didn’t want to shoot him; I didn’t want him to die. There were a million other things I would have done instead of killing him.

Without any thoughts, as if my mind and my arms were detached from each other; I pulled the trigger—


My soul was ripping my body, it was screaming for release and I was too strong for my own good. I closed my eyes wishing the visions of every man I killed to disappear, I understood now; I realized I was never convinced with killing someone but my brother rooted the idea in my mind. I thought I was doing what’s right but the truth was I was just blindly following my brother’s instructions like a sheep and it angered me, it shamed me, it disgusted me.

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