Chapter twenty five - Campaign-

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Chapter Twenty five:

I blinked my eyes open as I inhaled a large intake of breath. My eyes were watching the same dim lit street that has been my companion ever since I’ve returned to this place. People were still in their homes, sleeping unlike myself and I had to swallow the lump in my throat as I went over all what had happened to me in the past couple of months. The day before, I reconciled with Natalie and it felt right. I still didn’t gain Abraham’s trust back but if you think about it, trust is pretty hard to win, it sometimes needs a lifetime, but I had an idea that wished would work as I wanted it to.

My legs dangled beside the seat as I sat beside the window staring at the faint line of sunlight seeping into the skies. My mouth turned into a smooth flat line as I stared at a certain house three houses away expectantly; in a couple of minutes, a guy dressed in a tuxedo stepped through the front door and threw his bag in the back seat of his BMW before turning around to kiss his wife goodbye and then he drove away.

At this point I knew the peace and serenity of the moments that had passed had finished for the day.

As soon as I heard shuffling and faint noise coming from outside, I stood up reluctant to leave the confinements of my room before I got dressed in a random outfit and made my way to the door for school.

 “I heard this junior had actually started a blog like Facebook and it grew big.” Hare said as we walked down the hall at school.

“Mhm” I replied bluntly missing Natalie beside me, she had decided to skip the day because she couldn’t ‘face the world’ yet. I yelled at her through the phone and she didn’t even rethink her decision. Hare and I aren’t that close but we’re friends, yet I know that spending a whole day with him on my own would have been excruciatingly boring. That’s why I was blessed to have Blake by my side who exclaimed, “This school is just a bunch of desperate idiots.” I smirked at him, hearing Hare chuckle.

“Dude, you’re weird.” Hare commented. “He’s just pissed people are that vain   ” I mumbled, Hare raised his eyebrow at me before adding,” Maybe we’re the ones who are vain, we’re the gossipers after all” all of us contemplated his words before we started laughing softly.

“How many are in our campaign group now?” I asked after we’ve cooled down, Blake cleared his throat and turned serious,” yesterday a couple of guys contacted me and they’ve joined even though I didn’t like the way they’ve spoken to me on the phone.”

I rolled my eyes,” I love them just because they’re joining so suck it up”

He chuckled and then looked forward and stated,” I guess those are the guys”

I followed his gaze to freeze on the ground, there was only one guy walking towards us with a smile on his face. His dirty blonde hair, and green eyes were warm and I instantly felt at ease thanking god I had nice people at my doorstep.

“Blake, are we going to go to this movie you wanted to see?” I asked as I ignored the approaching guy, Blake frowned in puzzlement and then pointed at the guy before shaking his head and saying “well, yeah why not,”

I was focusing on Blake’s reply as I watched the guy walking down the hall, with his backpack over his shoulder, wearing a chemise over his wife beater. And his well fitted jeans, his blonde hair falling smoothly over his left eye.

He seemed like a gangster, his aura reminded me of Abraham and it’s really hard for me to find people resembling Abraham so this guy was on my white list without even speaking to him. He had a sweet smile and this on its own was a huge plus because I needed people who looked bright, happy and lighthearted so we could help whoever needed our help. I couldn’t use someone who thinks life is not good enough making whoever asks for help turn to death instead.

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