Chapter 1 |Return to Phoenix Drop|

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"Trot trot trot," my black horse galloped, the white line on her forehead glowing in the moonlight. I looked around to see the stars glistening, making the front gate of my home, glow. The wooden poles holding up the bridge over the river, and the huge trees covering the village were also bright under the moon.

"Woah, calm down, Star," I said to my scared horse, "it sure does bring back memories, doesn't it," Star Neighs in response. "Sometimes I think that you can actually understand me," I laughed with a hint of nervousness behind my voice.

My long black hair was flowing in the small breeze as my hazel eyes were locked on the gate. I was unsure if I should walk in because of everything that has happened here. "Should we?" I asked my horse, "alright. I miss Levin, so let's head in," Star obeyed and took me inside the village walls.

I looked around to see nothing new. The wheat fields were still the same, along with the glowing lights inside of the people's homes. I looked around more to see the large guard tower that used to be home to my friend, Garroth. Behind the tall tower was the large tree house I built in one of Phoenix Drop's tallest trees.

I jumped off of Stars back, and walked her past the flowing wheat fields. We walked to the stone stairs that led up to my purple/White House on top of the hill. On top of the hill, I could see almost the entire village, its light shining, and the leaves on the trees, swaying in the wind. I put Star in the small area surrounded by a wooden fence, and watched her peacefully trot around. I looked back to the door of my house to see the lights off inside. Great, I thought, now I have to try to avoid waking Zoey. I also need to start bringing Star to Kiki's barn, so she has more room to move around.

I slowly walked up to my house, just standing there, looking like a stalker. I quickly decided that I should just head in, and say hello. No, they might be asleep, and I don't want to wake them up. I silently opened the door, just to jump back in surprise. The lights suddenly flickered on, and my friends jumped up from their hiding spots to yell, "SURPRISE!"

Sorry if this chapter seemed kinda short, I just wanted to end it here because it is sort of a good cliffhanger. From now on, I will try to start making the chapters about 500-1000 words.
-Sophia 🐱

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