Chapter 14 |Meeting My Past|

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Aphmau's P.O.V~

This forest seems familiar... I just can't put my finger on it...

I tired to walk closer to the trees, but when I took a step toward, the forest got farther. When I tried running, the trees only got farther and farther from reach.

Crunch crunch

I quickly turned around to see a girl with black hair running right towards me. Before I had time to move out of the way, she ran right through me. I felt a chill run down my spine, as the girl continued to run.

I tried to get a good look at her face, but I couldn't. She was wearing a tattered purple shirt, and jean shorts, along with black sneakers that looked as if they were a size too small.

Poor girl, I thought.

"Indeed," a calming voice said behind me. I was startled, but my head turned towards the lady as she walked to my left. She was gorgeous... She was wearing a small white dress, tan sandals, and she had large, white, Angel wings.

"Who are you?" I asked. Surprisingly, I felt calm around her. It was as if she had some calming or relaxation magic.

"You will learn. Just give it time. Do you recognize this girl?" She responded in a soothing voice. Her brown eyes looked behind me, and she gestured towards the girl.

The girl who just ran through me! She's got some nerve to do that! I thought.

I turned around, to look at the girl. Her face was too far away for me to see it, but in a way, she kind of looks like me. A bit on the shorter side, long, black hair, and she is wearing a familiar outfit... I just can't seem to remember...

I turned to look at the Angel-looking woman, but she wasn't there. I looked around trying to find her, just to see that the girl wasn't here either... Where the heck did they go?!

I looked around some more, and started walking to the forest. This time, the trees didn't move away from me, so I eventually made it to the land filled with trees.

I heard panting. I heard more leaves crunching under someone's foot. I heard a thump.

The girl!

I ran towards the noise, and there I saw blood. Lots of it. She was laying down. With blood trickling down her head from where she bumped it, probably. I stood in fear, just watching. I realized that I should do something, but when I took a step closer, she stood up. I ducked down, for some reason I was afraid she would see me, so I hid behind a thorn bush. I tried to get a good look at her face, but the sun was blinding me, and some of her hair was covering her face. She slowly stood up, and looked around, probably confused.

Did she loose her memory...? Wait...

It was slowly coming back to me... I wore that outfit! I had that hair! I was running and I lost my memory! That's me, but in the past!

She looked at me... Or rather, past me. It was as if she was looking straight through me, and saw trees instead of me. She had full lips, sparkling brown eyes, and long black hair. She is me! I tried to walk closer to her, but everything went black...

I heard a scream.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while... Don't worry, though, I am AT LEAST going to write one or two more chapters this weekend!

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