Thank You! Updates!

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I'm so freakin' happy right now...

200 reads!!! YAY!

Sorry I am just so happy!

I know that 200 may not seem like a lot, but to me, that's amazing!

I like to look at it this way... People that I have never actually met before are reading, liking, and staying up to date on a story that I am just writing for fun.

I would never write a story to try to get famous, or anything like that. I just write because I am passionate about it. I really like to write stories, and I want to give people something to read, and enjoy.

Thank you all so much for reading this story... I means SO much to me that you all like what I am writing!

Since 200 reads is quite a big number, I feel as if I should do something special for you guys.

I was thinking that I should do a Q and A, or maybe I should write a side story thing. If I did do a side story, it could be about any thing you want! It could be about Garmau, Travlyn, and more! Just tell me what I could do, and I will do it!

If you want me to do a Q and A, leave a question in the comment section, and I will answer it!

If you want me to write a side story, tell me what you want me to write about and I will choose the most popular answer!

I might also start writing a new story someday. Don't worry, though, I will still continue this story! If you want me to write a new story, just tell me what you want it to be about!

Thanks for reading!


-SophiaKitty101 🐱

(Garmau) I Have HopeWhere stories live. Discover now