Chapter 19 |His name|

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The thoughts came pouring into my head, and I nearly fell over from it. They were like memories, good and bad. Why did the Obsidian cause these thoughts to take over my brain? Why do they feel like I should remember them... But I don't?

Black hair,

Small black sneakers,

Jean shorts.

The same girl. Me from my past. So this was a memory. A memory of what happened before I encountered Phoenix Drop. She wasn't alone though. She was talking to people. Two people, both of them wearing gray/brown guard armor...

Wait a second! Garroth and Zenix! This was them! This was when I first ran into Phoenix Drop!

I nearly ran right up to them with joy, but I managed to hold myself back. Who knew what would happen if I did something to the past? I could mess something up, so I better just stay back and listen.

I watched them talk, unable to hear every single word. I attempted to scoot a few feet closer, so I could hear, but I heard a leaf.

Another one.

And another.

Someone was running, and they were heading in my direction, because of the noises getting louder. I leaned in towards the sound, somehow hoping to find out who it was, but found silence in response.

I searched for any other clues of who the running person was, but I found nothing.

Until I saw eyes.

Green eyes.

And brown hair.

I leaned even closer, holding my breath to stay as silent as possible.

A green scarf.

I know him! I just don't know his name... But I remember this guy! Wait I think I remember his name...

It was something like... Vy-

"Aphmau?!" I heard a voice shouting my name a little too loudly.

I opened my eyes to the bright sun, and blinked trying to remember what happened. I strained my eyes, trying to put together the random thoughts roaming my head.

Oh right. My house. And I had a vision. I remembered something from my past... I just can't remember exactly what it was...

I completely forgot Garroth was standing over me since I was so deep in thought.

"Aph?" He spoke again, this time calling me by my nickname.

I looked up, meeting his worried gaze. I tried to figure out where I was, so I tore my eyes from his, and moved them around, taking in my surroundings once again.

I wasn't standing though. Or sitting.

Garroth was... Carrying me?!

I jumped up, and said something incredibly stupid, trying to cover up my actions, "uh yeah, I guess I'm awake!"

I pictured myself facepalming, but I held myself back and kept my hand by my side.

"Uh, yeah," he responded, confused, "I can see that. What happened!" He asked.

I said, "I uh... Remembered something about my past."

He blinked, and asked, "huh?"

I shook my head and laughed, "I had a vision, Garroth. Except I don't remember exactly what it was..."

My head was pounding. Too many thoughts were in my head, I was blushing like crazy, I sounded like an idiot, soon this entire village will be turned into obsidian, and the sun was way too bright for some reason!

He shook his head, trying to think everything through, "okay, let's head back to the tower. There should be some beds, so you could rest a bit."

I said, "Garroth, I'm fine. Really."

"No you really should get rest, Aphmau." He said as he started walking back to the tower.

I grunted and followed.

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