Chapter 5 |Possible destruction|

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I could here voices.

"No, Garroth, your injured. You have to go rest"

"Let me just see her!"

"I'm sorry but you need to rest"

"Just for a few minutes!"

"... Fine ..."

I recognized the voices. One was Donna, and one was... Garroth?

I tried to open my eyes but for some reason I couldn't. I heard the door creak open, and I heard footsteps coming towards me. I managed to open my eyes, and see who came in. I saw dark blue eyes staring into mine, and blonde hair.
"Garroth?" I ask. I was so confused. I was just watching Donna treat Garroth, I had a vision (i think), then I just blacked out.

"Aphmau... Are you okay?" He asks me.

I respond, "am I okay?! You were hit with an arrow after you..." I mumbled the words, "you saved my life."

He says, "after Donna started treating me, you just passed out. You hit your head on the ground.

After he said that, I started to notice the throbbing pain in the back of my head. I looked at Garroth's arm, and saw the white bandage covering his wound.

"Is your arm okay? What happened to the person who shot the arrow? Where am I?" I asked. I had so many questions, but I chose just a few to ask. I needed answers.

Garroth sat down on the edge of the bed, and I sat up.

He responded, "My arm is alright, no signs of the person were found, and you are in your basement."

I looked around to see my guest room in my basement. I wondered why I was in the guest room, and not in my room. Maybe there was some blood, and they didn't want it to get on my bed, I thought.

I asked anyways, "Garroth, why I am here, and not in my own room?"

I saw him flinch at my words. I wondered why? I knew he was going to try to spare my feeling by lying. I could tell because he hesitated.

Just in case he was about to lie, I said, "tell me the truth. Please."

He looked at me with a tear in his eye. I flinched. He responded, "there were many Shadow Knights spotted. We heard them mentioning war. The top floor of your house was destroyed. Right now, we have some builders working on your home."

I could tell he was hiding something. Tears started to form in my eyes, just thinking about what my home might look like. I started to think about Levin, wondering if he was okay.

I asked, "what about Levin...?"

I saw him look away. This worried me even more.

"Is Levin okay?!" I exclaim. Nearly jumping off the bed.

He looks at me once again, the tear falling down his face. "We have a search party looking for him as we speak," he said.

I felt the tears start to pour down my cheeks. Garroth pulled me in for a hug, and I accepted. I just sat there crying.

I managed to say, "I have to go find him," I stand up.

Garroth grabs my hand, turning my cheeks a light shade of pink. He says, "N-No Aphmau. You have to stay here. Trust me."

I was still crying, but I still asked, "Why not...? I have to find him! He's my son!" And with that, I walk towards the door. I was just about to leave, when Garroth said, "Because you are in danger."

I was shocked, and looked at him.

He walks to me and says, "the Shadow lord is after you, Aphmau."

(Garmau) I Have HopeWhere stories live. Discover now