Chapter 7 |The Invisible Wall|

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Aphmau's P.O.V~

Garroth and I were heading back to Phoenix Drop, when suddenly, we hear a thump.

We both looked around us, to see our surroundings, just to see nothing. The trees, bushes, and leaves were all the same. What the heck was that? I thought.

Garroth grabbed my hand, and started to walk faster. He had his shining sword ready in the other hand, just in case.

I looked down, blushing like crazy, because Garroth was now holding my hand. I stole a quick look at him, to see his face a light shade of pink.

W-Why is he still holding my hand...? I think to myself.

Once we were finally able to see the gates of Phoenix Drop, we started to walk in. As soon as we were about to head in the gates, an invisible wall of some sort blocked us. Like the clumsy person I am, I walked straight into the strange force field, and hit my nose. I staggered back a bit, to check my surroundings.

I noticed that everything looked peaceful, not a single thing looked
different than normal. The gate was still the same, except for some reason, we couldn't get through. I looked over at Garroth to see him looking around as well.

What is this?! Why can't we get in the walls of the village? Did something happen?

I had many thought soaring through my brain, until Garroth spoke up.

"We should try to enter the back way of the village..." He said, obviously confused as well. "Are you okay, lady Aphmau?" He asked me.

"Garroth, please just call me 'Aphmau'. You don't always need to be so formal around me," I acknowledged. "And yes, I am okay," I added.

"Alright Lad- uh I mean... A-Aphmau," he answered, blushing just a bit, and stuttering.

His stutter is so cute.

Wait WHAT?! No, I can't have feelings for my guard. That's weird... Isn't it?

Hey mina! (Everybody)

Gomen'nasai (I'm sorry) this chapter was so short. Arigato (thank you) for reading my story... I worked very hard on it, even if it doesn't seem like it.

This chapter was a bit short, because I just wanted to end it with a bit of a cliffhanger.

Anyways... Mata ne! (Bye for now)

(Sorry if I keep on spelling things in Japanese. I just wanted to randomly add a few Japanese words in it.)

-Sophia 🐱

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