Chapter 9 |meeting Cadenza|

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"W-wait where's your shirt...?" I ask Garroth, trying to hide my emotions.

"Oh crap... I must have left it at the docks... Oh well, I can go get it later," he responds with a light pink blush on his face.

We had just gotten back from swimming, and we were now on our way to check on everyone.

We walk into my house, and walk down the basement steps, only to find Emmalyn and Donna having a conversation.

Donna says to Emmalyn, "Did Cadenza bring you the shirt-" Donna then looked up at Garroth and I, now talking to us, "Oh, well I see you two were up to something..." She says with a smirk.

Wait, WHAT?!

"N-No! W-we were j-just um...
S-swimming, a-and I didn't w-want to get my shirt w-wet," Garroth stutters an immediate response. I nod, agreeing, but with red on my cheeks from blushing. Garroth was red too.

I look down, trying to hide my embarrassed face from everyone.

I tried to change the subject, "SO! What were you two talking about? Something about Cadenza?"

Cadenza was originally from another village called Metali (is that how you spell it?), but she joined Phoenix Drop. She is also Laurence's sister. She has bright orange, yellow, and red hair, kind of like fire. She is obsessed with designing clothes, and she makes outfits for everyone in the village.

Donna says, "we were just talking about Cadenza making us some new outfits."

"Oh! Aphmau!" Emmalyn interrupts, "Cadenza wanted us to tell you that she has a new dress that she would like you to try."

"Okay," I respond, "should I head over to her place right now?" I ask.

"Yeah," Donna says.

I nod, saying bye to all of them, even though they were all in my house. Why, though? How come people normally spread gossip in my house?

le time skip brought to you by a marshmellow~

"Aphmau! I can't wait for you to see this dress!" Cadenza screams in my ear. She is always very hyper...

I was standing in her workroom in the basement of her house, waiting for her to give me the dress she wants me to try on. She runs back to me, handing me a heavy purple cloth that I am guessing is my dress.

(This is the dress and necklace) pretend that the flower on the dress and the necklace are black)

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(This is the dress and necklace) pretend that the flower on the dress and the necklace are black)

I carry the dress in to changing room and try it on. It was gorgeous! It was a perfect purple, along with a black flower on it, black heels, and a black necklace. I loved it! I walked out of Cadenza's changing room, to see her gasp with a giant smile plastered on her face.

"It looks gorgeous on you!" She explains.

"Thank you so much, Cadenza! I love it!" I reply.

I walk back to the changing room, and change back into my purple sundress, along with black flip flops. I take the dress with me as I leave, saying bye and thanks once again to Cadenza.

I'm sorry that this chapter didn't have a cliffhanger at the end. I just didn't have any good ideas in mind for the end of this chapter...

Anyways, bye minna! (Everyone)

(Garmau) I Have HopeWhere stories live. Discover now