Chapter 20 |Do You Like Him?|

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Yellow tape was everywhere, and it looked as if they were trying to hide my house.

My house. Heh. It doesn't even qualify as a house anymore. It's more like a cage of shadows ready to engulf anyone or anything who comes near it, and I'm guessing that people thought that if they put bright yellow/orange tape around it, it will help. Really, all it's doing is keeping people away from my home, and people are walking their kids away from it when they get too close to my "evil house" as so they say.

I mean, not to brag or anything, I'm still the Lord of this village! Just because I don't really have a home anymore doesn't mean anyone is going to get infected by my house...! Ok never mind, that's not really true. Disease has been spreading like crazy. It's not deadly or anything, but it still looks bad to have, and I believe that it is from these obsidian blocks. Not too many cases of disease had been told, but still enough to have people on edge, so I guess  I can't blame anyone who is scared of me... but I still don't like it. I'm supposed to be protecting my village, and all I am able to do right now is sit. And wait. And sit some more. And keep on waiting. This is not going to help anyone! What am I supposed to do here? Just hope that everything is going to be okay? I don't even have a window in this room, so how am I going to know what's happening?

I shifted uncomfortably, trying to occupy myself with something... except there really isn't anything to do except sit and think. A blank bed, small desk, yellow lamp. That is everything that is in this room. So what am I supposed to do? I guess I could leave if I wanted to (I do), but what then? Walk around the village and act as if everything is perfectly fine? Ugh.

Where is this room located you might ask? It is one of the rooms in the guard tower, but I don't remember why they put them here. Maybe for extra space? I don't know, but they really should have added a bit more personality to it so it's not so boring.

I tried to listen to hear if anyone is outside my door, but I didn't hear anything.

"Yeah she's in here," I heard a voice but it sounded far away.

"Okay see 'ya later!" I heard the voices louder now.

Dante and Laurance.

I heard the doorknob squeak, and it opened the door. Lauraunce was coming in, and for once, he was in normal clothes, and he wasn't in his guard armor. Why was he here?

He took a step in, and shut the door closed behind him, and I asked, "what are you doing here?"

"I um... wanted to ask you something." He said.

"Ok, what is it?"

"Not here," is all he said in response.

Even though I was confused, I stood up and said, "ok, well you lead the way," I gestured towards the door.

Time skip! We are now outside on a trail near the docks by the water

"Uh, Lauraunce," I began, "we have been out here for a minute or two, and you haven't said a single word. What did you want to ask me?"

He looked up at me and asked, "Aphmau, do you like anybody?"

You probably hate me for writing that, Garmau lovers, but I had to! It adds more drama to the story, so don't worry! Everything will work out eventually! For now,

-SophiaKitty101 🐱

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