Im Sorry.

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Hey guys... now yes, I have some immediate explaining to do.

I'm aware sorry isn't going to cut it when you read the title of this chapter, but I'm deciding to say it anyways. I know I'm probably your least favorite writer right now on Wattpad because I haven't uploaded for almost a year now which is completely unacceptable.

I'm aware some people enjoyed reading this story and suddenly I just stopped writing it for nearly a year with no explanation and with no sign of coming back. I'm aware many of you completely gave up on reading this story after I made it clear I wasn't returning, but to those of you who are reading this, I hope I didn't upset you, and thank you for returning.

Also let me quickly thank you guys for 1,000 reads! It's insane knowing so many people have read this story. Thank you.

Now back to this. I don't have any excuses for discontinuing this book other than the fact that I don't ship Garmau anymore. It's obviously a thing in the past (in my opinion), and I don't want to force myself to continue writing about something I'm not interested in. Also, I was really embarrassed because of the amount of time I left you guys hanging and I was too ashamed to suddenly return, but here I am.

From now on, if I choose to write stories, I'm going to write them in another app, and complete the entire story first, then upload it for you guys, so you never have to worry about me leaving you hanging again! Just so you know, I am currently working on another story right now about completely random characters from my imagination, but it is going to take a LONG time for me to complete it because I'm so lazy :/

I'm not going to post anything of that story until I'm completed with it, but there may be a chance I post the prologue just to see if anyone is even interested in the story.

Once again, sorry for the complete absence, and know that I never plan on discontinuing a book again with out telling you! I hope you guys are able to forgive me, and I look forward to possibly seeing you all in my next story!


(Garmau) I Have HopeWhere stories live. Discover now