Chapter 3 |Reunited|

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White fields
Purple blossoms
Shimmering stars
Glowing moon

Then the blood,
Lifeless bodies,

I remember...
I remember the pain,
The loss,
The running.

I woke up with a scream, then I realized that it was all a dream. (Rhyme!)
What was that dream...? It felt... Familiar...

Later that evening:

I had just finished eating dinner with little Levin, when I started to hear commotion outside. I finished singing Levin to sleep, when I stepped over to the window to see what was causing all of the ruckus. I looked outside to see none other than a certain someone with beach-blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. I gasped, and sprinted outside.

I walked into the crowd of people, to see my friend. He has been away on his trip to O'Kasis for many months, and that was when I decided that I should go on a trip of my own. When I got back, I didn't expect him to get back so late.

He looked around, until he landed his eyes on me. I only just noticed that he was wounded. I looked at the shocked/joyful expression on his face, and took a step closer.

"G-Garroth," I said. I looked at his torn clothing, and noticed there was blood seeping through his brown armor. I noticed he was leaning slightly to the side, not putting any wait on his left leg, and that was when I decided to become shocked. He was badly wounded!

"What happened...?" I worriedly questioned. He continued to stare into my my chocolate eyes, and he responded,

"S-Shadow Knights," he managed to get out, as he passed out and one of my guards, Laurence, caught him.

I flinched, scared of what may happen. I was also scared for Garroth.

I watched as the light brown haired guard carried my friend to the tall stone guard tower, probably to heal him with the help of Pheonix Drop's best healer, Donna.

I was frozen in place, unsure of what I should do, until Zoey came up to me.
"A-Are you okay Aphmau...?" Zoey worriedly asked me. I responded with, "I think so. Can you please watch Levin? I need some time alone." Zoey nodded, took Levin's hand, then walked in back to my house.

I looked back at the guard tower one more time, before I walked down to the docks. The docks were right next to the hill my house was on, and that was where boats could come in from other villages.

I walked down the stone path, my lavender dress flowing behind me as the wind blew my hair. I sat down on the edge of the dock, and gazed across the sea. It all felt so peaceful.

The white fields behind me
The purple blossomed tree
A few tiny stars shining through the blue sky
And the bright moon

For some reason these things reminded me of something, but I shrugged it off and continued watching the gentle waves hitting the sandy shore.

The next Morning:

I woke up, thinking about where so was. I realized that I was still at the docks. I must have fallen asleep, I thought. I stood up, dusted myself off, and walked up the path to the plaza of the town.

The plaza was where most of the villages meetings, parties, and gatherings took place. This was where a lot of the gossip would spread around, and I was thinking about how fast the rumors of Garroth's returning spreaded.

Once I realized nothing important was happening here, I decided to head to the guard tower to check on Garroth.

Once I arrived, I stared up at the tall building, thinking about everything that has happened within these past few months. I walked in, noticing the bed where Garroth should be resting on, is empty. He must be up at the top, I thought. I grabbed onto the wood ladder, and started to climb. Once I made it to the top, I saw him staring out into the ocean.

"I see the village is safe. Did anything interesting happen while I was away, Lady Aphmau?" Garroth asked, once again calling me lady Aphmau.

"I'm not sure. I went away to Scaleswind for a while. I don't think anything occurred while I was gone. I returned a few days ago," I responded.

Garroth turned around, and looked into my eyes. He was still wounded but looked a lot better than he did last night. "A-Are you okay? You seem... A little off," Garroth questioned.

"Y-yeah... Everything is fine," I said, obviously lying.

Garroth took a step closer, and said, "I can tell you are lying... What happened?"

I could feel my eyes start to tear up, so I covered them with my hands. Garroth took another step closer, and wrapped his arms around me. I flinched at first, but then allowed it. I let my tears fall, letting the stress out, and the sadness that has built up inside.

"Ok... I will tell you," I say, "a few nights ago, I felt like I was being watched, so I looked out my window to see a vanishing shadow. Then that night, I had a dream. It felt so real... The peacefulness, then the blood and the screaming. It... Felt so real," I mumble, crying even more.

He continues to keep his arms around me, as I cry. Eventually I stop, and look down at the ground.

"It was just a dream. Even though it felt real, it wasn't. It's okay," he said. Those words calmed me down. I wrap my arms around him and say, "Thank you."

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