Chapter 21 |The Priest|

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"Aphmau, do you like anybody?"

Those words were constantly repeating in my head, and I wasn't sure how to answer it. Why was he asking this? Why should he care? Why?!

I looked up at Laurence's face, and he was waiting for a response. Just patiently waiting, when I was sweating, shaking, and down-right panicking.

His question ringed once more in my head. Did I like anyone? Does someone like me?

I knew I had to approach this reasonably, so I asked, "Laurance, why are you asking me this, anyways?" I made eye contact with him, forcing an answer out.

He looked down, and answered, "I uh... someone wanted me to ask you that. S-sorry."

Lies. But I pushed forward anyways, "who?"

"Uh G-Garroth! Yeah, it was him!"

"Uh-huh," I said unamused. Then I remembered what he said before... right after someone broke into my house... Dante and I were climbing up the ladder to the guard tower, and I remember hearing that Garroth liked someone... but there was no chance he liked me. I was a mess. My clothes were way too small, my hair was knotty and frizzy, my shoes were broken, and I had stains on all of my clothes.

I said, "Look, Laurance, I don't feel like talking about all of this right now... I just... yeah."

He flinched, but stood up tall, "Y-yeah, of course! Sorry about that..." he moved his hand behind his neck.

I simply walked away, feeling a little bit of guilt. As I walked, I looked at the village. Just as I thought. The blackness was everywhere. At the medical center, the plaza with all of the shops, and... even a bit of the guard tower had blackness on it... ugh. At least Donnas and Logans house was alright...

Speak of the devil. Donna was rushing out of her house, with a huge smile on her face. I ran towards her and said, "Donna, are you alright?"

"YES! Omg yes! Aphmau I need to tell you what just happened!!" She grabbed my hand, and ran to a big tree next to her house.

"What happened?" I asked, curiosity taking over.

"Logan. Just. Proposed!" She screamed.

"What?!" I yelled back, "seriously?!"

"Yes!" She said. "And I said yes!"

"Oh my Irene, congrats! When's the wedding?" I asked, expecting her to say in a few months.

"Tomorrow!" She said smiling.

What?... "tomorrow?" I ask.

No! It can't be tomorrow! We have no time to set it up! We still need a priest! We need to send invitations still! And what about everyone's dresses!

"And we already hired a priest! He should be here later today! And he sounded pretty nice." She said.

Oh, well that helps a little... I guess.

"Where is he from?" I ask.

"O'Kasis! That village is so rich..." she answered.

"Hmm... ok. I will go talk to the guards about this, and see what they think" I said smiling to her. We both know that they will be happy about it.

Time skip! Aphmau is now in the guard tower! All of the other guards were out, so only Garroth is here!

"WHAT?!" Garroth screamed, grabbing my shoulders.

"Uh, Y-yeah! Donna said that the priest seemed nice so-"

"No no no... Aphmau when is the wedding?" Garroth was pacing back and forth now.

"Um," I said.


"Tomorrow," I squeaked out.

He stared at me, then ran over to an armor rack. I watched as he grabbed his helm and put it on.

"Ok... when is he getting here?" He asked.

I answered, a little hesitant, "um today."

Garroth sighed and walked over to the window. I stepped back a bit, giving him space.

"Why are you so-" I tried to say

He interrupted me, "be quiet."

I said, "but-"

He nearly yelled, "be quiet!"

I shut my mouth.

I just stood there, unable to see the window from where I was, but I can tell that Garroth saw something. He was just staring out the window.

He ran over to me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me down the ladder into the hallway, which leads to my boring room. He dragged me into the room, and shut the door behind us. Now I knew I had to say something. "Garroth, what the heck is going on?!"

"I can't tell you." Is all he said.

"That's an order, Garroth! Tell me."

He looked at me, then shook his head. "No."

I walked over to the door, and yanked it open. Before he had time to stop me, I ran out the door, and out of the guard tower. I heard him following, but I continued anyways. I saw something. The same thing Garroth saw...

The blackness was spreading, and there in the blackness was a man. He was wearing white and black, with a black cross on his shirt. He must have been the priest... but why is Garroth so scared of this guy? He looks nice. He was just talking to Donna and Logan... there wasn't anything weird about him...?

Until he turned his head. He looked at me... wait no. He looked next to me, where Garroth was now standing. But he wasn't just looking... he was glaring. Hatred in his eyes. But also confusion.

Who was this guy?

You probably know who he is! Sorry about that XD but it will all work out in the end... just keep on reading to find out! Since I haven't published a chapter for a while, I made this one a lot longer than normal. Almost 1000 words! I MIGHT upload another chapter, but I'm not really sure yet... still have a lot of homework to do today... oh well, we will see!

(Garmau) I Have HopeWhere stories live. Discover now