Chapter 15 |Her memory|

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Garroth's P.O.V~

Calm down, Garroth, the village is just up ahead... Aph will be fine.

Aph. Heh, I never call her that.

I stared at the unconscious girl laying in my arms. I wonder what she's dreaming of?

I was carrying her back to the village, and I keep on telling myself that were close, even though we're not. It's going to take at least 30 more minutes to walk back. I could run, but I don't want to hurt Aphmau.

She started to twitch a bit, so I decided to stop walking and set her down on a small pile of grass. I looked up at the morning sunrise, turning the sky into an abundance of gorgeous colors. There were only a few bright clouds on the sky, and the cool autumn breeze kept the weather a perfect temperature.

Poor Aphmau... So many things have happened to her this past week... We really do need to find Leven though... I just don't know how we can enter the nether without getting harmed.

Since I was looking up at the sky, I didn't even realize Aphmau was twitching, probably scared. I looked down at her, when I heard her let out a scream.

"Aphmau?!" I asked, worried for her. Her hands were shaking, and her hair was all over the place. She jolted up, her eyes looking around, until they landed on mine. She looked so scared of something... I wish she would open up to me more often.

Aphmau's P.O.V~

I realized that the scream I heard was my own. Why did I scream? Why did I lose my memory a long time ago? No wonder I can't remember my past...

My eyes locked with Garroth's, right after I woke up. He looked worried for me... Probably because I was shaking like crazy, and I just screamed for no apparent reason. I noticed that my hands were sweating, and I was still shaken up at the thought that somehow I lost my memory... How? Did I have parents? Why was I running in the first place? I had so many questions in my head that I didn't even notice Garroth wrapped his arms around me. Was he hugging me? Oh god, I was blushing like crazy... Why, though?

"I was so worried for you, Aphmau..." Garroth says.

He was?

"I-I'm sorry... I don't actually know why I screamed... I guess I should tell you what happened, though."

He backed away, stopping the hug, and he looked at my eyes again, nodding.

Was he blushing? No, that's just my imagination. He wouldn't like me... I'm just a crazy mess of a girl, who doesn't even know her past.

"It's a long story..." I began. I explained to him that I met a woman who looked like an angel, and she told me that I would soon figure out who she is. I told him that I saw my past-self running through the woods, and that I lost my memory, and that's why I don't remember anything about my past. During my long explanation, he listened, nodding along.

Who knew he would be such a good listener...?

I was leaning against the tree behind me, looking up at the sky. It looks gorgeous, I thought.

Garroth answers, "that's a lot to take in..." He looks at the ground, and gets in a more comfortable position.

"Yeah," I answered, unsure of what else to say.

"So that's why you never tell anyone your past," he said. "I'm sorry you have to go through all of this, Aphmau."

I just nodded in response.

Garroth's P.O.V~

"Aph, we should get going, it is still going to take a while to get back." Oh shoot, did I just call her Aph? I could feel my cheeks start to blush, so I looked down. Even though I was looking at the ground, I could still hear her giggle.

She responded, "okay."

We both stood up, and started to walk back.

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