Chapter 13 |Levin|

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Yay! Chapter 13 is now out! I just really quickly wanted to say thank you so much for over 300 views! It means so much to me that you all are enjoying what I am writing...

Ok, now on with the story!

Aphmau's P.O.V~

I knew better than to run off again... So I decided to tell Garroth instead.

"Garroth! What about Levin! He's a mortal," I started pacing back and forth across the damp leaves, "he is in the nether, he has no immortal protection, he could get hurt," at this rate, I was just rambling.

Garroth could see my arms shaking, scared of the outcome of a little boy being in the fiery, lava-filled, nether.

I was still pacing back and forth, tears forming in my terrified eyes, my legs shaking with every step I take, and the leaves crunching under my shoes.

"Aphmau, I know what you are thinking, but we can't go to the Nether. We are not immortals, so we would just kill ourselves, going into that dimension," Garroth said.

I didn't listen to him. I couldn't, I was panicking. I knew that I shouldn't have panicked, but I couldn't help it. My little boy was trapped in a deadly dimension, with little chance of surviving, and I couldn't do anything to save him!

I continued to pace, I continued to hold my breath, and I continued to shake.

I could feel my eyes become heavy, my breathing slow, and my hearing fail. I knew I was about to pass out... I tried to tell Garroth to help, but before I knew it, my vision was black. I was bracing myself for the hard contact with the ground, but I never felt it. Before I processed what happened, I was unconscious.

Garroth's P.O.V~

I could tell Aphmau was panicking, and I could tell that she was scared for Levin... I am too. Aphmau didn't realize this, but when she was ever away on a journey, I would always come and take care of Levin along with Zoey. I would always spend time with him in Aphmau's absence...

I could feel my cheeks began to burn up at the thought.

Im so glad I have this helmet on. I don't want to let her see me blush.

Before I knew it, Aphmau was rocking back and forth, falling over.

It was as if everything happened in slow motion... Aphmau falling, me running, and her frail body landing in my arms.

I realized that I was leaning over her, so I regained my balance, and carried her over, so I could lean against a tree.

Her skin was as pale as a ghost, and her hands were twitching.

"A-Aphmau..." I mumbled, scared for her. I knew that she was going to be alright, but I still cared for her.

She was still my friend... Could she be more than a friend?

No, Garroth don't be stupid. Your not in love with your Lord...

But I knew that was wrong... I was in fact...

In love with Aphmau.

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