Chapter 11 |The Lord Of Shadows|

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I don't own this picture! Credit to whoever made it!
Now on with the sorry.

"Aphmau!" My brown haired guard ran up to me, with an urgent look on his face. He had Dante, Dale, Brian, and Lucinda following behind him.

I was looking at books with Emmalyn, when suddenly they ran up to me.

"W-what is it?" I question, worried of the answer.

They were sent to find Levin, and I don't see my little boy with them. Something must have happened...

They were all panting from running so far, until my orange-haired-witch-friend, Lucinda, spoke up.

"Aphmau *takes deep breath* we have *breath* a letter for you," And as she said that, Dante hands me the letter.

Before I open it, I ask, "Where did you find this?"

Dante regains his breath answering me, "We found it on the ground, surrounded by..." He was unable to continue until Laurence spoke up,

"Blood. Surrounded by blood," he says with a scared looked in eyes.

I noticed the letter had a drop of blood on it as well. With My hands shaking, I managed to open up the letter and read it. My heart probably skipped a beat. I couldn't believe what I was reading... It couldn't be...

Could it?

I quickly closed it and looked up at my worried friends. I tried to hide my fear by giving them a smile.

"It's okay, just um" I tried to come up with an explanation on what the letter was about, so I said, "It is just some news from something in O'Kasis. No big deal!" I quickly reassured everyone that everyone was okay...

Even though nothing was okay.

I hope that they don't find out I was lying...

"What's with the blood then?" Dale speaks up.

"Maybe from an animal..." I say, trying to hide my worry for Levin.

Yes! I think they are buying it.

"I am going to go home now, I will speak to everyone later... I just want some rest," I say as I wander off.

When I reach my house, I notice Garroth.

He was walking up to my door, probably looking for me. I noticed that he was back into his brown armor, the blue cape flowing in the breeze.

Garroth's P.O.V

"Hey La- uh I mean... Aphmau. I was just looking for you... I just wanted to catch up," I say to her.

She looked worried. And I noticed her shove a piece of paper behind her back. I decided not to question it.

"Oh, hi Garroth!" She quickly answers.

Was she hiding something? Maybe it has to do with that paper...

I decided to ask her about it, "hey um... W-what was with that paper? Was it important? It looks as if you are hiding it..."

She flinches, "n-nothing important is what it is. It is a letter just stating some news from O'Kasis. I just wanted to go read it again, making sure I read it all."

I can tell she is lying... When she lies, she moves her eyes around a lot, and stutters a bit. Her voice also gets a bit higher.

"Aph, I can tell it's important... Why are you lying" I ask.

"I just didn't um... Want to worry you... I will tell you what it is tomorrow, right now I just want to rest," she mutters.

I decide that she is right. A lot has happened as of late, and she does need to get some rest. I nod, and move out of her way, saying goodbye. I watch as she goes inside and turns the light off in her room. I see her set the paper down in her kitchen...

Should I sneak in and read it...?

No, I can't do that...

But she is obviously lying... It is important, I can tell.

Okay I will go read it... Just gotta wait until she falls asleep.

I wait for about 30 minutes, then I decide to slowly open her door. The lights were off, so I had to make sure that I didn't run into anything. I waited as my eyes adjusted to the dark, then I grabbed the letter and quickly read it. I couldn't believe what I was reading... Just as I finished reading, I noticed Aphmau jump out her window and run into the woods...

I can't believe she would actually do this!

My instincts crept in, and I ran to Laurence and Dante, showing them the letter. It's words were still stuck in my head...

It read,

"To Aphmau,

If you are reading this letter, then you must know that Levin sure is not safe. He is with me.

If you want your precious little boy back, then you will have to come to the Nether.


Bring someone with you, and you will watch them die in front of your eyes. My shadow knights will bring you to where I am, once you enter this realm.

Remember to come alone.

-The Lord Of Shadows"

Ooh cliffhanger!! My heart was beating so fast when I was writing this because of the suspense! Sorry that I have to make you wait for the next chapter!

-SophiaKitty101 🐱

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