Chapter 10 |Starting To Remember|

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I was running.

The moon was shining on me as my black hair flew behind me.

"I have to escape this life," I thought, "I have to start over"

A tear fell down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. I thought, "no, I am not going to cry. I am stronger than that. Forget my home. Forget my family. Forget my life,"

As I was deep in thought, I didn't even notice that I was blacked out.

I woke up, confused.

"Where am I...?"

"Who am I?"

I lost my memory. All I knew was that I felt the urge to run away from something. I stood up, and ran.

I ran away from my past.

In the morning~

I woke up with a start. I was panting, scared, and thinking about what had just happened.

That couldn't have been a dream, right...?

All I knew was how real my dream was.

Le time skip because I can~

"Morning Aphmau!" Is what Zoey would usually be saying to me right now. Why isn't she here? Oh right, she is only here when she watches Levin... And Levin is still gone. I made myself some breakfast, and walked out of my newly fixed house.

What should I do today?

I walked to Emmalyn's house.

Maybe I should invite Emmalyn to come to the library with me... Even though she has probably read every single book in the entire village...

I walked up the stone path, knocking on her brown door. She had a small, wooden house, and she owned so many books, that her house was practically already a library. When I first came to Phoenix Drop, I was roommates with Emmalyn... She wasn't the kindest person back then... She would never even let me touch her books. They were like children to her! Nowadays, she lets me borrow some every once in awhile.

I heard footsteps, when the blonde opened the door.

"Hey Emmalyn!" I greeted her.

"Hi Aphmau! Why are you here?" She questions.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the library with me?"

She jumps up and down, screaming a response, "OMG YES! They just got a new shipment of brand new books! I NEED TO READ THEM! IM SOOO EXCITED!"

I covered my ears. I didn't want to be rude, but she was shouting right in my ear... So I didn't really have a choice... I just would like to avoid going deaf.

"Uh yeah... Ok, let's go," I was scared, because when we get to the library, who knows how crazy she will get? The thing I never thought about was...

That something even crazier than Emmalyn's love for books, may occur...

Hey guys! I have an update, so please read this!

From now on, I am going to start publishing books every 1, 2, or 3 days. So about 2 or 3 chapters each week. Sometimes I may do more, depending on how busy I am.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

-SophiaKitty101 🐱

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