Chapter 6 |A black cloaked man|

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There is going to be some P.O.V (point of view) switching in this chapter, btw

Garroth's P.O.V~

As soon as I told Aphmau that the Shadow Lord was after her, I immediately regretted it. She looked as if she was terrified. Her face turned pale, tears continued to stream down her cheeks, and her hazel eyes stared into mine with fear.

I tried to calm her down by saying, "Aphmau, I'm sorry... I-" I was cut off by her saying,

"No Garroth. So many things have happened lately, but no matter what, I will find my son," and with that, she opened the door.

Donna stared at Aphmau, obviously worried, but she let her walk away. I have to do something to help, I thought, I just have to.

I ran up to Aphmau and followed her, until I heard Donna shout something from behind me,

"A-Aphmau? Garroth? What is going on?"

Aphmau turned around, with anger in her glare, "I'm going to save my son, after you all just left him to be taken. Where was Zoey, anyways?! She was supposed to be watching him!" I saw more tears pour down Aphmau's face, as she looked down and back up again.

"I trusted you all," Aphmau said, then ran up the stairs and out her house.

That stung. She doesn't trust me anymore? Zoey was injured! She almost died protecting Levin!

"Please Garroth... Go after her," Donna whispered, a tear falling down her cheek, "she doesn't understand that danger she is in."

I responded, "don't have to tell me twice," then I ran after Aphmau.

Aphmau's P.O.V~

I can't believe they would let Levin be taken away like that. I looked back at my house one more time, to see the damage done to it. Garroth was right. The top floor was completely demolished. The windows were shattered, the roof was caved in, and wooden boards were all over the place. I can't believe they would let Levin be taken so easily, I thought.

I ran out of the village, and entered the forest. I dashed into the forest, avoiding the trees and the roots. I was only thinking about Levin, so I didn't even notice that I was being watched.

I continued running until I tripped over a root. I fell, scraping my knee on the wood. I stood right back up, and started to run again.

Garroth's P.O.V

Please be okay, Aphmau.

I ran and ran, chasing after Aphmau. Every once in a while, I would think that I lost her, because so many trees were in my way, but I always manage to find her again.

I hear a thump and that makes me speed up, worried for Aphmau. In just a second, I start to hear the crunching of leaves again. She is still running?

I felt as it we were being followed. So I turned around, and I saw a shadow. (Not mine) this worried me, so I ran even faster.

I looked in front of me to see a large meadow in the forest. Aphmau was standing there, her long black hair messy from the wind. She stopped running to take a quick look around. As her gaze almost landed on me, I ducked behind a bush, not wanting her to know that I was following her.

I noticed a shadow creeping up behind her, reveling himself to be a man. The man had a black hood and cape on, so I couldn't see any of his features.

Aphmau watch out! I thought.

"Aphmau!" I screamed, as the man pulled out a long, black sword. Aphmau turned to look behind her, as the man ran towards her with the sword.

Aphmau's P.O.V

I was looking around the meadow, only to hear a familiar voice shout my name. What? Was someone following me?!

I turned around to see a man cloaked in black, holding a sword and charging at me. He made absolutely no sound in the tall grass.

I didn't have enough time to react, so I closed my eyes, preparing for the blow.

I opened my eyes to see a blue cape flowing in the wind right in front of me.

Garroth? I thought.

Garroth had his sword in front of the man's sword, blocking me. The man vanished in front of us.

I heard Garroth's deep voice say, "don't ever run away while you are in danger, again!"

I looked up to see Garroth's worried face, looking down at me. I hugged him.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I should have listened to you," I said.

He wrapped his arms around me saying, "I'm sorry. Let's go back to Pheonix Drop."

I nodded in agreement, and walked by his side to the village.

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