Chapter 12 |Mortal vs Immortal|

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Sorry it took so long for me to upload... I had really bad writers block for a while, so I had NO idea what to write about. Anyways, writers block is gone (yay) and I can continue writing. I hope you like this chapter!

Aphmau's P.O.V

I hope they don't find out what I was doing... I hope they don't find the letter..." I was thinking out loud.

A British voice interrupts my thoughts by saying, "you hope who doesn't find what?"

I stop running in the woods to see Garroth right behind me, his arms crossed. His eyes were darker than usual, obviously angered by something I  must have done.

"Uh G-Garroth! Why are you out here? It is late, you should be in the Guard tower!" I try to make everything seem normal, but I failed...

I notice Laurence and Dante appear out of the shadows behind him.

Garroth scowled, but I could see a hint of worry behind his anger.

"Why are we out here?! We are following you, trying to save your life! You know what happens if a mortal enters the nether! Bad things happen!" Garroth exclaims, rubbing the back of his neck, pacing back and forth.

I was really confused... I knew that the nether was filled with fire, lava, possible death, and stuff like that, but I never heard of bad things happening to a mortal!

He expression changed when he saw my confused look. He asked, "you really don't know?"

I shook my head 'no' in response. I had no idea what he was taking about...

Garroth motions for Laurence and Dante to leave, and they walk away, leaving Garroth and I alone.

I started to feel a light blush creep up on my cheeks at the thought of us alone. Why do I feel this way around my guard...?

I decided to shrug it off, and let Garroth speak.

He started, "well you know what mortals and immortals are, right?"

I say, "yes, I do."

He continues, "good. Just to be sure, a mortal is a creature that can be killed. Like a human, for example. We are mortals, because we can die. Plants, and animals are too. An immortal is the opposite. They are creatures than can't die... Mostly shadow souls, Shadow Knights, divine warriors, and things such as that."

I say, "okay. What about mortals and immortals...?"

He answers, "obviously, shadow knights are immortal, because they live in the nether, so they are unharmed..."

Shadow Knights are people who have been killed, and they return to earth, but as a Shadow Knight. They are now immortal, which means they can't die, which means they are very hard to defeat in battle. The only way to defeat them, is if you send them back to the nether, but to do that, you need to have extraordinary power... And only a few immortal beings know that power, Lady Irene being one of them.

Lady Irene is like a God to us. She watches over us, protects us, and it has been said that she used to have a family of her own... No one has recorded any information on her family though, so it stays a mystery to the world. Lady Irene also has a group of mortals called Divine Warriors who help her defeat all evil in the world.

Another powerful immortal being is the Shadow Lord. He is like the opposite of Lady Irene. Irene wants to protect and love each and every human, and the Shadow Lord wants to destroy and manipulate humans. It is said that he too, has a family, but once again, no one has seen or heard of them. The Shadow Lord controls and uses the Shadow Knights to accomplish things for him. For example, he will just kill some mortal so they turn into a Shadow Knight and work for him. In other words, Shadow Knights  are completely under the Shadow Lord's control.

Not all deaths turn people into Shadow Knights though... Only being killed by either a Shadow Knight, or by one you trust, turns you into the Shadow Lord's slave.

Garroth continues, "so, when a mortal enters the nether without a strong magical protection from an immortal, they can be severely harmed from the smokey air, or even worse... Killed..."

When Garroth said the word killed, he looked down obviously thinking about something or someone...

Oh no...


He is a mortal!

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