Chapter 4 |the knight in the shadows|

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We pulled apart from the hug, and stared into each others eyes.

Garroth stuttered, "w-well I should um... G-Go check on the village..."

I agreed, "y-yeah... I have to um... Go too," I said.

We both walked to the ladder, and started to climb down. I could feel my cheeks start to turn to a light shade of pink. He was blushing like crazy though. We both exited the guard tower, when I heard the crunching sound of leaves. Garroth must have heard it too, because he was running up so he was next to me, and he readied his shiny diamond sword.

I was about to grab my own sword, but an arrow shot right in my direction. It happened so fast, I didn't have enough time to move. Garroth, though, jumped in my direction, pushed me to the ground, and just managed to avoid a fatal hit from the arrow.

I was so shocked, I didn't even noticed the blood. He got off of me, and looked at his arm. I looked as well, and noticed that the arrow just managed to hit his arm. There was a large cut, and a large amount of blood on it.

I jumped up and grabbed his arm, "G-Garroth!" I exclaim, trying to wipe the blood off. He starts to say back and forth, about to pass out. I was going to try to help him, but to knew that we had to get away from here. The person who shot the arrow must still be near.

So I grabbed Garroth's good arm and start to drag him, screaming for someone to help. Garroth managed to get on his feet, and he put his hand over my mouth, muffling my screams.

He whispers, "No one would just come alone. That guy must of had some help with him. If you scream like that, it could attract unwanted attention from possible dangerous enemies. So keep quiet." He removes his hand from my mouth and I nod in agreement.

I wrap his good arm around me, so I could help him walk. He must be about to pass out though, because he lost so much blood within the last few days. We manage to walk near the plaza, until he falls over, passed out. I bend down to shake him, trying to wake him up. I knew that this wouldn't help at all, so I sprinted to the plaza, searching for help. Once I arrived in the plaza, everyone stared at me, probably looking at the blood splattered on my shirt. Immediately, my two guards, Laurence and Dante, run up to me. They were both in there guard armor, and there capes were hanging from the back of there brown armor. Laurence had a green cape, Dante had a red one, and Garroth had a blue one.

Laurence had light brown hair and light blue eyes, when Dante had blue hair, and blue eyes matching his hair.

Laurence asks, "Aphmau?! What happened?!" I run back to Garroth, my two guards following me. As soon as they see Garroth, they run up to him. Dante helps Laurence pick him up, and carry him to Donna.

Donna's long brown hair was flowing behind her, and her mint-green eyes looked shocked.

Donna ran up to them saying, "Garroth! Bring him over here."

My guards set Garroth down on a white bed on top of a wooden table near the plaza. This was where Donna took care of the sick or injured

Almost immediately she starts to treat Garroth. I stand there in shock, just watching everything happen before me once again. The arrow, the blood, the screaming. I felt as if this nightmare would never end.

The blood
The pain
The screaming

Then all I could see was blackness.

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